Old vintage nudist photos
I enjoy seeing the older nudist photos, when everyone still had their bush. The new fad of shaving is just bizarre to me. One will see a male with a hairy chest, hairy legs, and then his crotch shaved. Doesn't look attractive to me.
- 8 years ago
Photography is my hobby and I also enjoy older vintage nude photos as well as photos from the 40's, 50's and 60's. Contact me at nudehombre@yagoo.com if you are interested in becoming pen pals and exchanging photos. I'm Brad and 70 and long time nudists.
- 8 years ago
Maybe the OP needs to focus more on the person and the entire photo and less on the person's crotch! A statement like the one made, lends others to believe you're in this lifestyle for the wrong reasons.
- 8 years ago
Maybe the OP needs to focus more on the person and the entire photo and less on the person's crotch! A statement like the one made, lends others to believe you're in this lifestyle for the wrong reasons.True what you said about nudist lifestyle and crotches. But even in a nudist lifestyle, the first impression we give to others (especially on pals who are looking to make relationships) still plays some role, much like in a normal lifestyle .
How does someone's pubic hair play a role in making or having a relationship ? We have many, many nudist friends with various amounts of pubic hair and none at all. That's not what attracted us to them to become friends and form relationships. One's pubic hair is not what I look for in a first impression. I'm interested in who that person is, not how much pubic hair they have or don't have!
- 8 years ago
Maybe the OP needs to focus more on the person and the entire photo and less on the person's crotch! A statement like the one made, lends others to believe you're in this lifestyle for the wrong reasons.
- 8 years ago
I don't mind the conversation personally. It's when it is ALL that people talk about that starts to get to me.
Anyways, I see it as being unique like a hair style. I personally switch mine up depending on the season, how creative, and even how lazy that I am :)
- 8 years ago
There was a time I thought it looked so nice to have pubic hair but now Iv come around to thinking none is so much better, looks better, much nicer than all that ugly hair down there.
- 8 years ago
With all of the extensive threads on this forum that focus on hair removal in the pubic area. Why is the OP being picked on? It was just a comment on how nudists groomed in years past as compared to today. For a group that promotes body acceptance and judging people for who they are instead of how they look, there are a lot of comments that suggest the poster likes the look better shaved, and there are many who like the look of being unshaved better. So to a true nudist, why is a certain look important?
- 8 years ago
He's not being picked on. His stance on pubic hair is being picked on and his dumb remarks about the lack of, in his first post and in his profile. His statements regarding those without pubic hair, can be taken just as you took the statements made toward him and his remarks.
One thing you are correct about ... there are lots of threads here about pubic hair or the lack of it. WHAT DIFFERENCE does it make whether someone has a lot, some or none and anything amount in between? Why is that important to some "True Nudist?" Pubic hair or the lack of, has nothing to do with nudism, naturism. It matters as much as the hair on ones face or the top of their head, on their arms, legs, underarms, butt, butt crack. Shaving and grooming is as much a part of personal choice as brushing ones teeth and flossing. Only difference is ... if you stop brushing your teeth and flossing ... you'll probably need to stay arms length away from those you speak to. ;-)
- 8 years ago
Maybe the OP needs to focus more on the person and the entire photo and less on the person's crotch! A statement like the one made, lends others to believe you're in this lifestyle for the wrong reasons.
Although I'm not personally into body shaving, I realize that many among us are. We've all seen guys like the OP describes, who're naturally hairy but who nonetheless have a band of smooth shaved skin denoted by a horizontal line that starts just above the crotch and extends to just below it. Isn't that an unspoken way of saying "When you look at me don't forget to pay special attention to my crotch?" Perhaps calling such special attention is a problem with the one who does it, not the casual bystander.
- 8 years ago
Maybe the OP needs to focus more on the person and the entire photo and less on the person's crotch! A statement like the one made, lends others to believe you're in this lifestyle for the wrong reasons.Although I'm not personally into body shaving, I realize that many among us are. We've all seen guys like the OP describes, who're naturally hairy but who nonetheless have a band of smooth shaved skin denoted by a horizontal line that starts just above the crotch and extends to just below it. Isn't that an unspoken way of saying "When you look at me don't forget to pay special attention to my crotch?" Perhaps calling such special attention is a problem with the one who does it, not the casual bystander.
I get exactly what you're saying and I agree. It just seems so contradictory and hypocritical for a person that calls themselves a nudist or naturist and is fully committed to the philosophy of the lifestyle, to even care one bit about whether or not someone sports a full bush pubic area or a hairless one.
Lets be honest ... my wife and I have been shaving our pubic and genital areas long before it became a trend or fashion. We did it for personal reasons. I really don't have expand on it any more. I'm sure, I'm positive that we're not the only ones that began shaving for that reason. As time passed, shaving ones pubic hair has become more the norm and those that disagree seem to have an issue with it, just like the OP. The attitudes of those that are strongly against shaving, waxing, sugaring, ... removing ones pubic hair for any reason, just can't let it go ... anymore than the myriad of guys on here that feel the need to talk about it over and over again and start new topics on the same tired subject.
I'm not buying into the whole ... "they're new and they should be able to ask questions." There's a section on this forum and every other nudist forum I'm a member of and have ever visited. It's called the Frequently Asked Questions section and all these "newbies" don't want to research that area, they just want to start another new thread and it truly becomes boring.
I respond on these ... yes, because I'm hoping that I can stop another thread on shaving extending to pages and pages of the same responses. But ... as you can see ... it's not helping! hahahahahahahahaha :D
- 8 years ago