Vermont people

Morning, ii have 2 questions for people around VT. A where are local nudists and how can I join them? And how can I convince my wife to be nudist with me?

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RE:Vermont people

I am not from Vermont, but my parents moved to a place about 20 minutes south of Burlington in 1990. The place they bought had a 100 acre wooded backyard with a creek running through it. I used the creek to do some skinny dipping.

My Mom passed away in 2015. Before she died she spent some time in the Starr Farm Nursing Center in Burlington. At the west end of Starr Farm Road is a nude beach. I have not been to it. My Mom was at the nursing home in the winter.

Starr Farm Beach

In Vermont it is not illegal to be nude. It is illegal to be lewd or ti be seen dressing or undressing.


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RE:Vermont people

I have heard growing up here that there's 2 nudist resorts, one in Milton & another in Sheldon Springs.

I'm interested in joining a nudist mixed group. I don't want to be naked with a bunch of guys, would prefer a mix. I've been mainly waiting till I find a girlfriend who'd want to join me, but so far that hasn't happened.

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