Get Together

Tri-City Naturist Nebraska Get Together

Come join us for an afternoon of food and fun

When April 9 2017

Where Chapman Community Center, Chapman Nebraska.

Time 12:00-5:00

Meat Provided

Pot Luck

Clothing Optional for one that are a little shy.

Bring your towel to sit on.

And what drink you want.

RSVP if Coming

Bring a friend if you like to.

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RE:Get Together

Darn, leaving for a couple weeks in Az. this Saturday so will have to miss it. Was looking forward to the get together especially this one as I was hopping that Gayle would bring us up to date on his recent trip. Have fun guys and gals. See you at the next one!

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RE:Get Together

Put me on the list for being there in April. Gayle

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RE:Get Together

Sounds very interesting to me. A friend mentioned it to me. We may both come.

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RE:Get Together

Wish I could come. Sounds fun.

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RE:Get Together

I would love too go as it would be my first nudist event, I don't know if I'll have the gas to get down there. I live in Columbus.

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RE:Get Together

Will I hope you can come . You have any friends that hang out nude with hve them come to.

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RE:Get Together

Maybe I can hitch a ride from someone coming from omaha

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RE:Get Together

There is a nudist on the site who lives in Columbus but I don't know if he's active

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RE:Get Together

Sounds great, but will be out of town. Be sure to give us a report afterwards.

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RE:Get Together

wow, sorry read this wrong. April 9, put be down. I read it as March 9th. Looking forward toit.

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