Colostomy/Stoma bag?

Hi everyone,
My wife is about to undergo surgery for Bowel cancer and it is 50/50 that she may well have a Stoma/Colostomy bag....We are not looking for sympathy but a question in general...
How many naturists have one of these bags and do you feel comfortable wearing one and what are your limitations if you do wear one? We would imagine swimming or a hot tub would be an impact on our nude lives and would have to stop doing these two.
Your thoughts please

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RE:Colostomy/Stoma bag?

I am so sorry to hear of your medical troubles....but just thinking and wishing you well...and all I can say is please don't be put off and not too concerned of what anybody thinks..........go for it and with all good wishes to you both during this difficult time.

There is a colostomy/stoma club that if you wish I can possibly put you in touch with and they will have an answer, I expect.

They are based in a local hospital to me and I have given them talks in the past and know quite well the Chairman.

All the very best.

Kindest regards,

Val and Jay Xx

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RE:Colostomy/Stoma bag?

I've seen people with these at several resorts - no one paid any attention. One wore a little wrap thing to cover it some. Enjoy the time that the surgery provides afterwards.

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RE:Colostomy/Stoma bag?

A question very similar to this was asked several years ago in the Forum. As I remember everyone was very supportive of this individual. Perhaps you could search the Forums and find that previous post. Many people have undergone this procedure and went on to lead very normal lives. One of those individuals was Pope John Paul II. After a period of time they were eventually able to re-attach his colon, so everything was back to normal for him but everyone's case is different. Good luck on the procedure and plan on getting back to nudism just as soon as you can. Your friends will be happy to see you back.

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