RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

I was intact until I was twenty four when I had it removed. I regret it to this day and made sure my sons were left in tact.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

All my life but not embarrassed It is me.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Why are all of you talking to an empty profile?

Because we're guys and we love talking about our cocks. :)

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

... and here's another! ;-)

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

... and here's another! ;-)


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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Oh sorry, I guess some guys are cockless.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

Oh sorry, I guess some guys are cockless.

...and you Sir ( I use that term loosely for some, such as you) are brainless! It's obvious, through all your posts, that you're always thinking with your little head!

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

i agree on the uncut and cut, just a matter of timing on what parents wanted at the time.

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

that's my thoughts, work with what you got...

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RE:Uncut penis embarrassed

This has to be an American thing. Is it due to some Barbaric fashion; Misguided health advice; Female domination over their new born sons; or the medics making a quick buck? Here in Europe most of us have our foreskins. There are no hygiene problems as we know how to wash our penises. And, if the foreskin is tight, it can be loosened by keeping it pulled back. That works for me! At the very least the boy/man should be given time to decide for himself if he wants to be circumcised.

BTW if you are embarrassed just keep it pulled back. It looks circumcised.

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