Stop n say hi

Any group member when you check out the group, take a second and say HI. It will give me an idea of the interest in the group. To all have a great naked day even though the sky's are overcast. Pete

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RE:Stop n say hi

Hi to all. Curious of everyone's plans to view the upcoming eclipse.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Hi. We are going to The Forty Acre Club for the first time this weekend. All the information that we have received is that it is a very friendly place to go. So hope you check this resort out and maybe it will be good for your wife's first time. Pete

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RE:Stop n say hi

I love this website. I am not new to nudism but social nudism I am. I am slowly introducing my girlfriend to it and she seems to enjoy it with me. Hoping to go to 40 Acres soon for a visit before they close

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RE:Stop n say hi

Welcome, glad to have you as a member, hope your lady friend gets more comfortable with nudism. If she needs some help we are a normal naked couple that enjoy friends. I also enjoy a good cigar and an adult beverage also. Again welcome.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Look For a nice clothing optional place around Missouri that I can take my wife camping for her 1st experience

Wondering if this happened and hoping that it did.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Scanning back through my groups I noticed this topic. I don't know how I missed it I am curious about a couple of things First, a couple of you mentioned 40 acre club as their first time going there. How did you like it? I have been a few times and really enjoy going. Second, there was someone introducing a significant other to social nudity. How did that go? As a single male, these stories give me hope.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Hi All, I was wondering the same things as emazing. We used to go to the 40 Acre Club 2-3 times every summer and enjoyed the people and the facility. I have also offered primitive camping or a picnic on my land to a guy introducing his wife to nudism but they never showed up. I was wondering how the above couple enjoyed their experience.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Just saying hi again. Summer is gone and I am hoping we can have some group activity somehow, somewhere over the winter.

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RE:Stop n say hi

Just saying hi again. Summer is gone and I am hoping we can have some group activity somehow, somewhere over the winter.

That would be awesome! I have had the most success with such things on the website

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RE:Stop n say hi

Thanks for the responses the more that we communicate the better this group is going to be. Would love to have some get togethers over the winter, cause social nakedness is just the best. If getting something up during this winter is not feasible lets star looking to next spring. We live in a humble home on 20 acres far enough back from the road that being naked is great. So keep in mind that spring is also coming and BBQing is just a few months away. Pete

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