Facebook Group - Evansville area
I have just started a Facebook called Evansville Social Nudists.....Please come join us on there. This group is intended for us to get to know each other, make friends and plan some get togethers! Ultimately would be nice to put some groups together to travel to camps or other places. Look forward to meeting other nudists in the area!
- 7 years ago
Can I join the group
- 7 years ago
hi there!
- 7 years ago
So great! Thank you sassyshillelagh.
- 7 years ago
Would like to join
- 7 years ago
I am a naturist from the Dayton, Ohio area, but have visited both Sunshower and Drakes Ridge on numerous occasions. I recently joined the Indiana Naturists and will meet many of them when I attend our planned get together at Turtle Lake Naturist Resort on March 24 and 25th.
Please, consider my request to join your Facebook Group - Evansville area.
Paul Carney
- 7 years ago
I have yet to hear from your group, Sassy, so is your group still viable or have I just been passed over?
Paul Carney, Dayton, Ohio area
- 7 years ago
I have not been on here for a while. Friend me on Sheila Anderson Murphy on Facebook and then I will add you to the group
- 7 years ago
Are you in the Evansville area? If so, then I am more than happy to get you on there..
- 7 years ago
hey...not on here much...sorry
- 7 years ago
Yes. you can. haven't been on this site for a bit...sorry for delay. Let me know if you are still interested and we will get you into the group on FB]
- 7 years ago