You may not grow MUCH hair, but the hair you grow is high quality!
- 8 years ago
I prided myself on the thick bushy hair that went down the middle of my chest and surrounded my balls. Then almost overnight in my mid-30s it all began to turn white. I tried various hair color dyes without success. The white hair made me look many years older so I finally began to trim then shave it. At 43 I suffered a series of severe medical problems and lost most of my body hair, except for the thick white patch around my penis and balls. I shaved! Since then I have enjoyed the smoothness and the increased sensitivity. But I still like to see a man's thick bush in it's natural state.
- 8 years ago
Since about 1980 I shave my cock and balls. It was the time, more and more nudists here in Europe show it smooth shaven and now here are 80% nudists smooth shaven at cock and pussy. A lot of nurses and doctors saw my cock smooth shaven, but never get any negative reactions.
- 8 years ago
Every now and then I'll get a wild hair....uhh...that was funny... and shave everything down just to have the change for a while. But I personally love the natural look on a guy. It just looks....natural. haha! And it's sexy seeing a guy really rock his body in it's completely natural state.
- 8 years ago
A naturist does not feel truly natural without hair. A nudist does not feel truly nude with it. As a "nudist" I get all my body hair removed periodically. That includes my sack, shaft pubes and crack. It's done by wax so the hair has to grow between waxings. Can you see the difference between these before and after wax photos?
- 8 years ago
Nudism has nothing to do with hair or its absence. Nudism resides in the desire and satisfaction of being naked the most you can, and feeling comfortable and at ease being naked around others, whether textiles or fellow nudists.
- 8 years ago
Nudism has nothing to do with hair or its absence. Nudism resides in the desire and satisfaction of being naked the most you can, and feeling comfortable and at ease being naked around others, whether textiles or fellow nudists.
Very true, thanks for reminding us. Our body hair discussions likely have as much to do with male vanity as with ease and our comfort level.
- 8 years ago
Same here - all about the natural look regardless of the amount. Not a fan of shaving/trimming in the least.
- 7 years ago
I, too, have always had very hairy balls and penis. Always loved the hair on my balls, but the hair growing on the shaft of my penis began to interfere with the pleasure of masturbation, so I began keeping my penis shaft shaved and smooth; but, kept the ball hair and bush completely full. Actually been told by other buds that it enhanced the look of my penis standing out from that wealth of bush and ball hair. :-) Also have a pretty hairy ass crack as well.
- 7 years ago
i never shave or trim mine, personal preference but I have always loved very hairy natural penises and scrotums... its very masculine and powerful to me, and I enjoy showing off my own.
- 7 years ago