RE:Cock ringsYou are so right. I love the feel of them. I was at the hot tubs Fri. in Arizona US. The sun heated up the rings, and hot water,and the people looking. That just makes it better! I love getting hard to.
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RE:Cock ringsI wear mine every day, though sdly i dont get a chance to be nude much with it but i also have a thing for bulges so i like it in briefs
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RE:Cock ringsI wear a rubber or silicon one almost daily. It's easier to manoeuvre when out and about. Otherwise my stainless steel ones are preferences...
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RE:Cock ringsI love to wear mine especially at nude beach
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RE:Cock ringsI love to wear mine especially at nude beach
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Post #8bsbnakedBarefootIf I can't do something naked, it's not worth doing! RE:Cock ringsI wear two cock rings--first one is stainless steel and the second is aluminum. I love feel of the combination of the two rings and wear them almost 24/7. I also have three piercings (left ear, right nipple, and a PA). Additionally, I wear necklace with a penis pendent .
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RE:Cock ringsI'd worn cockring for years to the nude beach, but all the oil made it difficult to stay put. Always have to pull it back in place. The BunnG acts like a cockring but is worn like a thong, looks like you have a G-string on from the rear but leaves the front WIDE open (cool tanline too)
see Blog to more information.........
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RE:Cock ringsYes. Cockring wearer here. Have one on most days. Usually wear one on a nudist beach.
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RE:Cock ringsI wore cockrings for years. Usually 2 aluminum and 1 stainless steel . Had about 1 thickness. I recently stopped when I was locked in a chastity cage that has a cockring as well. Theres still some room so I may add another ring when Im released.
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