Hi, Jon here - new to the area - Richmond
- 7 years ago
I'm located in Indy
- 7 years ago
With as many Indy guys around, why is it I have not met and HON with anyone? Time to stand up, meet and strip off the barriers or shackles that society forces us to don and have some nude friends in each others lives. I am game, anyone else? Real time, not virtual.
- 7 years ago
I agree!
- 7 years ago
I live in South Bend....Not exactly the nudist capital of the world...but a nice place to live.
- 7 years ago
Westside of Indy and I can host. If anyone wants to get together
- 7 years ago
Hey, we chatted a while back and talked of meeting up for a drink or something. Let me know if you are available or hear of a meet-
up. take care :)
- 7 years ago
Hey, we chatted a while back and talked of meeting up for a drink or something. Let me know if you are available or hear of a meet-
up. take care :)
- 7 years ago
Indy northside, Nora, just off I-465 & N. Meridian
- 7 years ago
So everyone talks about getting together. Let's do it. Who's gonna host? Let's have a game night.
- 5 years ago