RE: Sex Offender Label?

You can be labled a sex offender for something as innoscent as taking a piss on the side of the road. The law sucks and needs to be changed. It shoud be specific to a sexual offence against another person. Not nudity etc....

There are laws in many states that read it's unlawful to urinate somewhere other than toilet facilities

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

I believe this question should be discussed in the context of what constitutes healthy nudism. As nudists, we practice our beliefs with respect for others and with respect for what others may believe, even if those views run contrary to our views. Societal norms shape laws and we do our best to abide by them. Any activity which when practiced are not welcomed by others tends to nudge over the line into legality, not to mention basic propriety. When we drive nude and yes, I must admit that I have done that (many more times than once) we risk imposing our views on others who may not welcome them. I practice nudity at home yet I do not stand in the front window. I go to camps and resorts where I can associate with those who share my views in a safe environment. I am all in favor of promoting nudism in a clean, healthy forum. In my mind, daring behavior while fun as all get out begins to cross the line into unhealthy nudism for several reasons. Among them: it runs the risk of imposing on others and the intent is questionable. If our goal is to advance the good and healthy aspects of social nudity then we would have to agree that nude driving is inconsistent with that goal.These are just my views, offered in order to stimulate positive discussion.Thanks.

Well said. Thank you

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

Arent you allowed to be naked at your own home???
Remember the thread about a guy who was harassed for being naked in his own home because a trespasser walking on his property looked in his window and saw him? Nothing is safe any more.

wow.. this is crazy.. America needs to step it up and protect uts people

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

There was acouple that drove a truck cross country. One night they had an accident and when the cops showed up and were told they were both nude when it happened they both got a ticket for indecent behavior! They used the argument that their truck was their home since they almost lived in it, thus they could be nude in their own home. It didnt work! They both have this on their record now!

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

There was acouple that drove a truck cross country. One night they had an accident and when the cops showed up and were told they were both nude when it happened they both got a ticket for indecent behavior! They used the argument that their truck was their home since they almost lived in it, thus they could be nude in their own home. It didnt work! They both have this on their record now!

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

being ticketed for being nude in a truck sucks!
So much for being honest with the authorities!
When stopped by a cop, ALWAYS deny deny deny.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

being ticketed for being nude in a truck sucks! So much for being honest with the authorities! When stopped by a cop, ALWAYS deny deny deny. don't have to answer any questions except "have you been drinking?" or at the border crossings, "do you have any contraband?" or allow them to search your vehicle without probable cause

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

and minor offense traffic violations aren't probable cause.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

Must say, reading this thread makes me glad to live in a country where nudity is not an offence and in most of Europe it is exactly the same way. Indecent exposure consists only if sexual acts involved and among people who seen some who are offended by that. So even sex in the bushes if seen by police is a crime, only if someone reports it causes it to be investigated.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: Sex Offender Label?

Now that's what I call living in a FREE country.

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  • 15 years ago