Does anyone (other than nudists, of course) do skyclad?
I recently wound up on the pagan path because I didn't believe the Catholic dogma reguarding nudity and sex (or much of anything else for that matter) It seemed to fit my beliefs on religion.
Being a longtime nudist I figured I'd fit right in, but every Coven/Clan/Grove I talked to seems to have a ABSOLUTELY NO SKYCLAD disclaimer.
WTF? and they wonder why there are so many "Eclectics" out there.
- 15 years ago
Sorry, double post see reply below
- 15 years ago
Eclectic Pagans and Wiccans prefer to work clothed and often go in for specific forms of dress. Some Traditions prefer to work skyclad and some insist on it (eg - Gardnerians, Alexandrians).
The Trad(Celt-Gael) to which I have belonged since 1962 works skyclad but I also work with eclectics and at that time I am clothed in deference to their customs. I have found that when I am skyclad everything seems to work better and on the admittedly rare occasions when eclectics have taken part in Celt-Gael ritual they have reported a feeling of unity and closeness to deity which is much stronger than what they normally experience.
It all boils down to what a group feels comfortable with and many just don't feelcomfortablewithnudity. By the way, though we work skyclad most Celt-Gael practitioners are not nudists
- 15 years ago
I am guilty ofgeneralization in my previous post.
Speaking with aneclecticfriend I have been reminded that many of them do indeedpracticeskyclad either solo or ineclecticbased covens. Also that many Pagan festivals permit nudity depending on location and laws of the area and thatbothgeneral nudity and skyclad working is common at those festivals.
- 15 years ago
Thankx for the info Jack.
I really like the "raising energy" aspect with working within a group. Being a solo is kind of hard to experience this. I'm somewhat new to the old path (and
somewhat broke) so I have not yet been to any festivals.
I am 1/2 Irish, 1/4 French Canadian, 1/4 Native American and I've been leaning in toward the Celtic path ans Native American spirituality lately, but very interested in I guess In time I will find where I fit in.
- 15 years ago
Actually I haven't been to a festival since the late 70's early 80's but a number of friends attend Pagan festivals yearly. They are usually held at a time when we were just too busy with other things to go. I was fortunate to be initiated into my path by an established Tradition but I know that most of the people I know started out solo and have heard of their frustrations. On a more practical note ... Kingston is a veryconservative city and Paganism was very muchunderground when I arrived here.Since then one shop, Sacred Source, opened and caters to a number of religious tastes, including Wicca and other neo-Pagan paths. A Yahoo group was started by someone here, Limestone Pagans, and quickly gained a lot of members. One woman posted a meet-up place on that group and followed it up with an ad in the local paper about a Pagan pub moot to be held at a local pub which was attended by a number of people and which is still going on monthly. This gave people a chance to meet others and discuss their concerns and also led to establishment of a rather loose Pagan community which meets to talk and to celebrate together. These events happened about 10 years ago and the groups continue to grow. Offshoot covens of like-minded people also evolved from these groups. Perhaps something like this may be a way foryoutocontact others if you are so inclined. There are probably people in your area who have the same feelings as you but don't know how to find others who believe the same. Perhaps these ideas might help you.
Bright Blessings,
- 15 years ago
Working skyclad was tradition in witchcraft more before the Gerald Gardner. I live in the part of the world where there was no Inquisition. And always witches worked skyclad here.
- 15 years ago
I too have found the same problem. The group I coven I belong to doesn't practice skyclad either although some have expressed an interest to do so. Sofar the closest we have come was as they called it skyclad under our robes. Sofar I haven't been able to find a coven in my area that follows the Alexandrian or Gardnarian tradition, they seem to be difficult to find.
- 15 years ago