RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

"Nudism has nothing to do with hair or its absence".

Well, no, respectfully, that isn't entirely true. If we simply see pubic hair as something purely visual, or cosmetic, which is the way that textile culture sees it (more profit with more products), then I would agree, but body hair has set of functions that relate to the tactile responses of the skin to the environment, scent that affects the brain in complex ways that we have barely begun to understand, and hair changes the electromagnetic field around our body, albeit subtly. For me, all of this forms part of the sensual acuity or awareness that I feel when naked that is missing when I am clothed. It's not to say people cannot, and do not adjust (after all, many folks are shaved and less hairy), rather it is to say for me, removal of significant amounts would be an odd, even upsetting experience in some ways. I am proud of mine simply because it is me. While I enjoy the whole of my body visible in nudist or naturist settings, that is a sensual thing. I don't adorn it, groom it or really talk about it too much at all when nude because it's not really that important, but the discussion in general is important because of the intense body shaming around hair for both men and women, and the pervasiveness of it. I have the experience at least 4-5 times a year of someone making a comment that I should shave mine it looks like an animal or some variation...unsolicited, not even talking or looking at the person, and out of the blue. I am not overly put out by such but it is annoying. I generally inform them that my nudity is not open for critique and if I was interested I would ask. But I am comfortable with such. Many people are not.

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

While I enjoy the whole of my body visible in nudist or naturist settings, that is a sensual thing. I don't adorn it, groom it /
Agree, to each their own. Nonetheless, your head hair looks carefully groomed. Wouldnt be surprised if you have groomed that wonderful beard, too.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

While I enjoy the whole of my body visible in nudist or naturist settings, that is a sensual thing. I don't adorn it, groom it or really talk about it too much at all when nude because it's not really that important, but the discussion in general is important because of the intense body shaming around hair for both men and women, and the pervasiveness of it.

Good point. It's odd how as naturists/nudists we can disdain clothing to be natural and free, and then judge others for things like hair, piercings and tatts. I also focus a lot on the sensual aspects of hair, how it can tickle my senses, but also how it catches bugs and twigs when it gets thick (so I trim a bit). I no longer consider hair any more or less naked, but rather am learning to be more open and vulnerable with my thoughts and feelings, which nudism is a great teacher.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

I do shave there for several reasons. One is that I often have to wear an incontinence pad and that keeps moisture close to the skin and the hair traps and holds odors. Another is that it has various shades of white and gray and is twisted in different angles so it looks old and unkempt. I notice that a lot of people who say it should be kept natural as God intended, shave their face. Wouldn't that rule apply there also? How about getting a haircut?
I personally don't care what other people do, it is not my business. They have their personal reasons and I respect that.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

i prefer them natural, hairy balls and pubic hair. otherwise sometimes perhaos summertime just trim

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

Like many others here have posted, I too enjoy prefer all natural, full, untrimmed bush. I'll tidy things up a bit occasionally, but that's about it. I've always admired men with thick pubic hair. My dad is one of those guys, and I strive to be like him. I am so proud of my big bush, and like to let others admire it too.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

Show me

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

Nudistpig, Perfectly put in place and very well said. I couldn't have expressed it better!

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

Nudistpig, Perfectly put in place and very well said. I couldn't have expressed it better!

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Hairy Balls/Penis

I'm a hairy guy. For years I did not trim, but finally took the plunge. I prefer shaved balls and dick. Sometime take the bush off, too.
My balls are high and tight, so shaving makes them more prominent. In fact, everything looks a bit bigger!

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  • 6 years ago