Atheist buses in Toronto

A lot of people have heard about the atheist bus campaign in London, which has now spread to Europe and the USA... now it has spread to Toronto! Check out for info.

There's definitely interest in Canada... over $20,000 was raised from individual donations in the first week. Any of the Canadian members here donated/thinking of donating?


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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

An interesting contrast. At about the same time in Utah, a group put up a billboard quoting John Lennon: "Imagine no religion." Within days pressure from the public forced them to take it down. (I'm pressed for time right now; I'll try to find a link to a news story when I have a bit more.)

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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

The original bus ads in London were in response to some hell-and-brimstone ads that were put up on buses there. If you can say stuff about a lake of fire, presumably you can say that probably, there's no god. Seems fair.

Utah has always been its own place, though, so it's hard to make a call on that one. Link welcome if you find it though.


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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

The original bus ads in London were in response to some hell-and-brimstone ads that were put up on buses there. If you can say stuff about a lake of fire, presumably you can say that probably, there's no god. Seems fair. Utah has always been its own place, though, so it's hard to make a call on that one. Link welcome if you find it though. S.
If you google, ....... Utah+billboard+John Lennon+"Imagine no religion." get this plus about 99 other results.
Here in the UK, we've just had a fair bit on the box re Darwin's anniversary. It is beyond me, how supposedly educated intelligent people, can possibly believe in something that they can't prove and blatantly goes against the most basic common sense. I can only hope, that as with Greek Mythology, The majority will one day see the light, If we last that long!


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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

The original bus ads in London werein response to some hell-and-brimstone ads that were put up on busesthere. If you can say stuff about a lake of fire, presumably you cansay that probably, there's no god. Seems fair. Utah has always been its own place, though, so it's hard to make a call on that one. Link welcome if you find it though. S.If you google, ....... Utah+billboard+John Lennon+"Imagine no religion." get this plus about 99 other results. the UK, we've just had a fair bit on the box re Darwin'sanniversary. It is beyond me, how supposedly educated intelligentpeople, can possibly believe in something that they can't prove andblatantly goes against the most basic common sense. I can only hope,that as with Greek Mythology, The majority will one day see the light,If we last that long!Phil.
I have always liked the comment on this subject made by my Alex (I warn you he is a psychologist). :-
"If an adult individual says they have an invisible friend be concerned ... if they say the invisible friend tells them what to do - run!"
The other quote he uses is:-
"If you talk to your god you are devout - if your god talks back to you you are probably schizophrenic!"
Love n stuff
Rudie x
(Follower of The Tao of Pooh)

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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

The original bus ads in London were in response to some hell-and-brimstone ads that were put up on buses there. If you can say stuff about a lake of fire, presumably you can say that probably, there's no god. Seems fair. Utah has always been its own place, though, so it's hard to make a call on that one. Link welcome if you find it though. S. If you google, ....... Utah+billboard+John Lennon+"Imagine no religion." get this plus about 99 other results. Here in the UK, we've just had a fair bit on the box re Darwin's anniversary. It is beyond me, how supposedly educated intelligent people, can possibly believe in something that they can't prove and blatantly goes against the most basic common sense. I can only hope, that as with Greek Mythology, The majority will one day see the light, If we last that long! Phil.
I have always liked the comment on this subject made by my Alex (I warn you he is a psychologist). :-
"If an adult individual says they have an invisible friend be concerned ... if they say the invisible friend tells them what to do - run!"
The other quote he uses is:-
"If you talk to your god you are devout - if your god talks back to you you are probably schizophrenic!"
Love n stuff
Rudie x
(Follower of The Tao of Pooh)
haha! it!!!!


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RE: Atheist buses in Toronto

Half the churches in my area have signs that proclaim Christ is risen or whatnot. But since there are very few Atheist temples, they just can't compete on a one to one level.
Gotta help the misinformed somehow!

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the implications of being an atheist

Just wondering if there is anything that can bring people together. God was such a good bringer together of people. Though of course a huge divider as well. Is there just a vaccum left in th wake of the death of God. Or is atheism as the name implies simply the negation of something and therefore nothing in its own right? Are we essentially as Timothy Hitchens has just suggested in a BBC debate, moulded by/ defined by the Enlightenment. Are we humanists?

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