RE:Favorite nude activities?Cycling is near the top of my list of things not to do nude. I got enough chafing and saddle sores from biking in a Speedo or short running Shorts! I now go with padded bike shorts but do bike shirtless whenever it is warm enough.
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RE:Favorite nude activities?Stay outside into the sun.. read or write or talk. Also naked hikes and swimming!
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RE:Favorite nude activities?I have to agree about coffee on my front patio, sometimes my neighbor watches
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RE:Favorite nude activities?Working in the yard or lounging on the deck over the summer months,Winter too damn cold but I keep trying to do some minor things through the winter.
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RE:Favorite nude activities?yes Brian its very nice to just stroke it now and then i do it a lot when at home i may be even say sweeping up and have a little rub
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RE:Favorite nude activities?Mine is enjoying a cup of coffee after dinner nude on my back porch its a great way to relax after work
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Post #158homeclothesfreeUltra NudistEarlD Editor exploring and engaging the clothes free... RE:Favorite nude activities?In no particular order yoga, swimming/floating, volleyball, camping - pretty much anything that doesnt require clothes
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RE:Favorite nude activities?I've thought about that and can definitely see your point. I don't think I'd ride very far, just enough to feel like it's been done.
I've ridden my bicycle several times for several miles each time. It was a great feeling and I'd do it more often if it was socially and legally acceptable. I have a great seat and the breeze created by the ride is very refreshing.
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RE:Favorite nude activities?I've thought about that and can definitely see your point. I don't think I'd ride very far, just enough to feel like it's been done.
That's about all I did nude. The discomfort was more when riding in short running shorts or a swim brief, but nude would have the same effect.
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RE: Favorite nude activities?faire du jardinagej'adore faire du jardinage tout nu ,cela me motive normment ,si je devais jardiner tout habill mon jardin serait envahi par les mauvaises herbes
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