73 posts about men touching their cocks? Of course we do! Along with picking our collective noses. Do we need a forum on that too? It's not a matter of shame or pride, just common sense and consideration. Self-focused physical behaviors limit rather than build social cohesion. Which gives me an idea: the next time a woman on the train starts putting on her makeup, I can counter with non-discrete groinal adjustments. As long as we're displaying intimate bathroom behavior, there might as well be equality among the sexes.
Three things:
1. Yeah. Duh. Of course nudists talk about their genitals differently than textiles. The textiles typically don't have to, for one thing. Take this very topic - it's different for us because our peckers are out on the open. Hell, the whole of our lives are different because of that. We risk some form of peril at nearly all times because of it, whether it be serious and life ruining legal trouble, an issue regarding custody of our kids, potentially losing our jobs, or suffering snark and side eye from fellow nudists here in the places we are supposed to feel safest.
2. Yeah, there's a lot of comments here, but the page count would be significantly less if you took out comments spent on the snark and rebuttals to it.
3. I'm playing with mine right now just as soon as I hit post. Did I have to share that information? No...but it just might ruffle a few of you, so the effort was worth it.
I have noticed that when Im nude at home and not doing anything that requires my full attention (like work or house chores) I am touching my private parts. For some reason, while I'm reading, watching TV or simply enjoying a moment of relaxation, I find myself having a feel of my penis and balls. I don't know why that happens, it's not deliberate, rather something spontaneous and natural.In other contexts, while hanging out with other nudists, for example, it's a different story. There seems to be some tacit social etiquette that triggers my self conscious to not touch my privates. Would it be because in those circumstances I'm not as relaxed as when I'm home by myself? I dont know that but certainly, I don't think theres something sexual or wrong about it.What about you fellow nudists, do you involuntarily touch your genitals? Could this be naturally instinctive in men?
Yes. I often touch myself, especially after shaving. I love the smooth silky feeling. I also have notice that while reading in bed, I am often touching/caressing myself.