Maybe your going to wrong place !! Find a better place and be yourself !! Ive never really had much of a problem being a nudist for 30 years now ! I believe nudity is the freedom of being able to express themselves socially ! Because we are all in same place are birthday suite !!

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Everyone wants to talk to me when Im nude.

Probably because I wear a cock ring and ear muffs.... But nothing else.

Its a conversation starter.

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Coming from a country where each state has different laws, and in my state where nudity on the beach is illegal, if I spot another nudist on a beach, in my state or anywhere Im travelling, Im likely to approach them and ask whats the norm or etiquette for that beach. I got opposite levels of response from the two other people on the beach the original poster visits when I went there a couple of years ago - the first very negative, the second quite informative and friendly. I find that responses often vary, but people tend to at least respect that youre willing to learn what local behaviours are and what is considered acceptable (eg on some beaches it is stay in the dunes, others theres unwritten expectations about where the nude/ gay/ straight section begins/ ends, etc.)

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A club in my state charges a non-member female $25 per day to use the resort. But an unaccompanied male would pay $150.

What state do you live in? Is this sort of disparity common? I've heard that some clubs favor females over males, but SIX TIMES the amount?

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A club in my state charges a non-member female $25 per day to use the resort. But an unaccompanied male would pay $150.What state do you live in? Is this sort of disparity common? I've heard that some clubs favor females over males, but SIX TIMES the amount?

The club here does the same. Here's why. If they let single men in at 25, 50 or even 75 bucks, there will be 5 to 1 men to women. And the women will not be having any fun at all, because all of the dudes who come in at 25 are there to try to pick up. I, gay dude, can get one of 5 or 6 women to accompany me to a mixed function so that I am not throwing the gender mix off. Sometimes, I bring two. One, they appreciate the escort, they know I am not going to hit on them, that I will bounce the bozos, and back up whatever their interests for the day are. The 150 buck fee is the one they know will reduce the number of men to women to a reasonable ratio. It is better to have 10 single men with the means to pay that fee than 60, which is how many you get at 25 for the same money.

Ask anyone who runs these things, and they will all tell you the same thing. Anything less and it turns into a sausage festival (which even platonically is not what most guys or women naturists are wanting). The solution is to bring a date. Half of my women dates are bi leaning lesbians who want to be able to be in that environment with a man so they can enjoy that space but safely and passing as heterosexual. If she went with another woman, it could be much less pleasant (or not, but once is enough for most), I get to follow etiquette and everyone gets to meet people socially and for social interactions. It's a win win.

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The solution is to bring a date. Half of my women dates are bi leaning lesbians who want to be able to be in that environment with a man so they can enjoy that space but safely and passing as heterosexual. If she went with another woman, it could be much less pleasant (or not, but once is enough for most), I get to follow etiquette and everyone gets to meet people socially and for social interactions. It's a win win.

Well, I guess that works for you if you know a lot of bi-leaning lesbians, but that doesn't describe my situation at all. And if I tell the women I meet that "Hey, I wanna go to a nudist resort. Do you want to come with me? No touching?" I don't think I'd get many takers.

So guys can't get in without paying more because then there'd be too many guys. And if there were too many guys, there wouldn't be any gals. It sounds like a Catch-22 situation to me. It sort of implies that, unless women were in the majority, they wouldn't go to nudist resorts at all, and the only way to get them there is to guarantee that there wouldn't be any single men there.

If movie theaters or restaurants had the same policy, I doubt that many would stay in business.

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We eat out a lot, its very rare to see a single man or woman eating in a restaurant alone.

Ive never went or wanted to go to the cinema by myself.

Nudist resorts must have something to attract single men that restaurants and cinemas dont

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We eat out a lot, its very rare to see a single man or woman eating in a restaurant alone.Ive never went or wanted to go to the cinema by myself.Nudist resorts must have something to attract single men that restaurants and cinemas dont

But a lot of people go to restaurants with friends of the same gender.
A group of 2 or more men together at a nudist resort would be just as unwelcome as one being there alone.

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My point was Woodmans comment about restaurants and cinemas was a nonsense comparison as single men would not make a dent in takings as its something they dont do.

The resorts and hotels weve been at, often have pairs of men (not in a relationship) sharing rooms. Its cost is the same for the rooms /apartments even if its single occupied.

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I completely forgot that Americans are nomadic. No wonder you all have to do things as single men.

Makes a lot of sense now.

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