RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

When traveling or if we go to a grandchild's sports event in the early mornings, I use my Club Orient travel mug. I've actually had a few grandparents come over to ask if we've actually stayed at Club O and we've struck up a conversation but friendships have never bloomed over the coffee mug or subsequent conversations. ;-(

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

Yes, I have a mug of great masters paintings of nudes (with their privates covered up) wrapped around the mug and when you pour hot coffee in the mug they become naked. Like, The Creation of Adam, Adam is wearing a I Love NY T-Shirt, but not when the coffee is in the mug... so cool.

Stay Naked & Be Happy,

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

I have a coffee collecting habit that drives my wife nuts. I get a coffee mug from any place I think is memorable. So we have quite a few. But each mug is a memory.
My favorite mug is my Big Bear Ca mug. This was the first time the wife and I explored nudism. I rented a secluded cabin in Big Bear for our anniversary. . We went on a hike that turned to a nude hike. Then we hiked the southern trail to Deep Creek to soak. Every time I drink from that much I think about nude hiking.

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

Those collected mugs with some meaning behind them are the best collections. I don't collect mugs but do have many mugs of sentimental value but only drink out of 3 or 4 on a regular basis. Many of the nudist/naturist mugs we have we keep in the motorhome because most times, we're camping at a nudist club/resort. If not, a nudist mug at a textile campground can start up some conversations and lead to making new nudist friends.


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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

I have one I got from Disneyland when it was the last time I thought I was going to be there. It is Mickey's Really Swell Coffee and his eyes are open even wider that normal.

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

Yes, I have a mug of great masters paintings of nudes (with their privates covered up) wrapped around the mug and when you pour hot coffee in the mug they become naked. Like, The Creation of Adam, Adam is wearing a I Love NY T-Shirt, but not when the coffee is in the mug... so cool.

I also like the cups that change image when filled with hot coffee. At my hunting lodge I have one that looks like a solid black cup until filled with coffee at which point it changes to an image of a guy with a rifle silhouetted against a sunrise with the logo "The best part of waking up is hunting in the rut"

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

I have several. They are Starbucks mugs from Singapore, UAE, Qatar, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. But my real favorite is from Burger King Iraq.

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?coffee

What did the coffee mug look like? I'd love to see one. Glenn

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

A couple of years ago, my wife ordered two SS insulated mugs that fit in the small cup holders. I use mine daily as it fits everywhere and I believe they must've used my hand as the handle fits me perfectly. And ...the fly comment is quite good, also.

I agree. The handle is important. I often try the handle before I purchase a mug.

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RE:Do you have a favorite Coffee mug?

I have to another one. For a year I wanted an Ember smart mug to maintain temperature. But could never justify the cost. But someone was nice enough to get it for me for Christmas. Love it. Never have to heat up my coffee. But the battery does not last through my second cup. (I am a slow sipper) anyone ele have one of these?

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