Unfortunately aanr and resorts see us as undesirables with out ever getting to know us .. They let their preconceived notions and extremely discriminatory actions deprive single and solo married men of equal membership or acceptance. . It is backed up by couples and the women of them couples . They let all women in with out question single or otherwise with or with out their spouse. . What is even worse is that the whole of nudism is being run by women's fearfulness. Which should raise the question are them fearful women really nudist or just go to accommodate their husbands. If and that's a big IF they are nudists they should see their actions are causing discrimination something women have fought for yrs.. on other nudist,, People that do not behave or abide by the rules should be removed or put on notice about it, members or guest alike.. Just for info i seen more inappropriate behavior and breach of resort rules by the actual members than the guests or visitors, the guests and visitors know their on a short lead,, and normally are more friendly than the actual members.. facts, and hopefully food for thought of some who the shoe fits both sides of this UnNudist type behaviors.
PS most TNS members i ever met , I E naturists don't act like the aanr resortists
Something else to think about that i didn't even touch on was most nudist mission statements claim they are non judgmental .. to most that encounter the discrimination that other statement of non judgmental just went out the window too!
We dont belong to any clubs so cant really comment on how they are run.
A lone males lack of a naturist partner is hardly the fault of any club.
The problem is your own. Take some responsibility.
Weve met many lone males at resorts in Europe and never had any problem.
We dont belong to any clubs so cant really comment on how they are run.A lone males lack of a naturist partner is hardly the fault of any club.The problem is your own. Take some responsibility.Weve met many lone males at resorts in Europe and never had any problem.
And likely wouldn't have any problems in the US if clubs and their patrons weren't so Victorian.
To quote an old friend "Four centuries after the last Puritan died, and we *still* can't get the bastards out of our heads!"
HiMy wife has no desire to go naked yet I do and Im unsure how to achieve this alone.Paul.Respect her decision. Shes not trying to change you to get dressed
He didn't ask how to change his wife's decision. He's unsure how to achieve "this" alone.
Paul, to answer your question, you need to have a honest conversation with your wife about your desire to live as a nudist and to visit places where other nudists visit. There are various responses you may get; she doesn't want you to live naked, it's okay if you're naked at home, she doesn't want you to visit nudist places or is fine with it. Either way, you need to have the conversation with her to see where she stands with relation to your nudist lifestyle.
After that, then you need to research landed and non landed clubs in your area to see if you can join as a married man with a non participating spouse. Some clubs, both landed and non landed will allow you to join. Many times non landed clubs are you gateway to landed clubs. Many of these non landed clubs have clothed events where new people meet others and become friends before even seeing each other nude. Maybe with some events such as these, you wife may get to meet other women who had/have the same concerns she has and can help her through the process.