Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I'm preparing to visit the final 5 states I've not been in and am planning to do that naked. I've researched the indecent exposure, public nudity, and public sex acts laws of many states and all of them prohibit sexual acts in public. Most describe indecent exposure and public nudity as illegal if the nude person was nude in an attempt to arouse others. I suppose some could try to arouse others by driving naked but that isn't what I will be doing. I will simply be driving nude and will cover my privates should someone be beside me in another vehicle. I'm not interested in arousing anyone. Hell as fat and old as I am I couldn't do that if a gun was pointed at my head. :-) I'd enjoy hearing about any experiences you have had driving naked.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I'm preparing to visit the final 5 states I've not been in and am planning to do that naked. I've researched the indecent exposure, public nudity, and public sex acts laws of many states and all of them prohibit sexual acts in public. Most describe indecent exposure and public nudity as illegal if the nude person was nude in an attempt to arouse others. I suppose some could try to arouse others by driving naked but that isn't what I will be doing. I will simply be driving nude and will cover my privates should someone be beside me in another vehicle. I'm not interested in arousing anyone. Hell as fat and old as I am I couldn't do that if a gun was pointed at my head. :-) I'd enjoy hearing about any experiences you have had driving naked.

Which 5 States?

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I don't live in the U.S.A. but the laws where I live are very similar as to what you describe. I drive naked fairly often (at least once a week} and have not encountered a problem. I always have a cover up when I an adjacent to another vehicle and I have noticed that few if any other drivers even pay attention to me. My trips involve some city roads, some multi-lane roads and some rural roads. I usually cover about 100 miles on these trips. In the summer months, weather permitting, I put the soft top down on my Jeep for these excursions. No one seems to pay much attention.
I, like you am just driving. Any chance I ever had to excite any one left me years ago. I would hope your experience on your road trip would mirror my experiences.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I don't live in the U.S.A. but the laws where I live are very similar as to what you describe. I drive naked fairly often (at least once a week} and have not encountered a problem. I always have a cover up when I an adjacent to another vehicle and I have noticed that few if any other drivers even pay attention to me. My trips involve some city roads, some multi-lane roads and some rural roads. I usually cover about 100 miles on these trips. In the summer months, weather permitting, I put the soft top down on my Jeep for these excursions. No one seems to pay much attention.I, like you am just driving. Any chance I ever had to excite any one left me years ago. I would hope your experience on your road trip would mirror my experiences.

I am not bold enough to drive nude with the top down on my convertible. Seems like an invitation to trouble. Just like being nude in the house usually isn't a problem, but sitting on an open front porch in view of a sidewalk and street could be.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I don't live in the U.S.A. but the laws where I live are very similar as to what you describe. I drive naked fairly often (at least once a week} and have not encountered a problem. I always have a cover up when I an adjacent to another vehicle and I have noticed that few if any other drivers even pay attention to me. My trips involve some city roads, some multi-lane roads and some rural roads. I usually cover about 100 miles on these trips. In the summer months, weather permitting, I put the soft top down on my Jeep for these excursions. No one seems to pay much attention.I, like you am just driving. Any chance I ever had to excite any one left me years ago. I would hope your experience on your road trip would mirror my experiences.I am not bold enough to drive nude with the top down on my convertible. Seems like an invitation to trouble. Just like being nude in the house usually isn't a problem, but sitting on an open front porch in view of a sidewalk and street could be.

LOL, I had a convertible and was headed to a nudist camp with a friend. He decided to get naked early..... I didn't say anything one way or the other, though I would NOT have been happy if we were stopped. I personally don't want to deal with the aggrevation of having to deal with all the legalities.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I have a convertible and almost always drop the top when driving nude (or dressed). Weather permitting of course. There is no more exposure or danger of being caught when nude when the top is down. Full stop. The only people who have a view down into my car are truckers or people in buses. When passing a bus on a multi lane highway I will throw my sarong over me. Not as worried about truckers, most dont even look and those that do either give a thumbs up or smile or no reaction at all. In all my years of driving this way I have never had an issue. And many of my drives happen on either 2-lane hwys or country roads. Top up or top down makes zero difference except that I get to freshen up my tan Lol.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I have driven nude for many years. Mostly from PA to FL. But have driven east and west from Norfolk to Asheville, NC. The North South route is usually down I-81. I have found that people on the road only see what they expect to see. Nude drivers are not expected. Although truckers and buses do have an advantage in what is in their visual range. Driving nude is fun, comfortable, and enjoyable (as is anything done nude).

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I have driven nude for many years. Mostly from PA to FL. But have driven east and west from Norfolk to Asheville, NC. The North South route is usually down I-81. I have found that people on the road only see what they expect to see. Nude drivers are not expected. Although truckers and buses do have an advantage in what is in their visual range. Driving nude is fun, comfortable, and enjoyable (as is anything done nude).

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I did on the return trips. Outbound had customers. The company knew about one return trip as it was raining. When finished unloading, went to the snack store, then undressed. I was soaked and cold. That truck could melt object's. (Could also freeze them in summer.)Towel on the seat and drove home. Warm and dry in a few minutes. Comfortable all the way back.

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

If one of the states is Arkansas be careful they have some of the strictest anti nudity laws

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RE:Planning A Long Naked Road Trip

I always drive my rv in uk naked on road trips usually 600 mile round trips good fun , usually go to nude clubs and beaches and remain nude as much as possible.

How much clothing do you bring?

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