People who use stolen images (and how to find out if your friends do!)
I was going through some of the people who have messaged me just out of curiousity, I didn't really expect to find any hits but I did.
First I will show you an example :
Like (Calls himself Hassan)
=/ That profile image is totally ripped off from
You must have some pretty low self-esteem if you have to pretend to be somebody else.
Now as for how I did that... Its actually pretty easy, not always accurate mind you and it is ALSO a great tool to find out if YOUR images have been used anywhere else besides where you put them.
You simply input the image or a link to the image that you would like to search and occasionally you will get a hit, sometimes you get way more hits than you expected. Its a great tool to find out whether people wanting to be your friend are total fakes or if you're just curious to see if your photo has ever been stolen.
=D Happy Hunting!
- 14 years ago
That is interesting thanks for the tip no one is using my pic according to Tineye
- 14 years ago
And as always, its a good idea to have a few conversations with a person before allowing them to be on your friends list.
It shouldn't be a popularity contest, and I often look at the friends of my friends, just to see what kinds of people associate with the people I associate with.
Wow that sentence was weird...
- 14 years ago
tahnks . that helps
- 14 years ago
Thanks for that great link
- 14 years ago
There are a few image catalog sites, but none of them are all inclusive, nor all that accurate.
Simple cropping will cause tineye to miss, but if tineye finds it, it's a fairly safe bet someone was to lazy
to even crop.
It's a good start, though.
- 14 years ago
So far, I haven't had any of my pics stolen (to my knowledge). Where they appear elsewhere, it's because I put them there.
Now, should I feelrelieved or insulted?
- 14 years ago
i always look at the quality, most fake picts are studio quality (cause they use model picts found on the net), u never get that quality with your own camera
- 14 years ago
So far, I haven't had any of my pics stolen (to my knowledge). Where they appear elsewhere, it's because I put them there.Now, should I feelrelieved or insulted?
I vote relieved. :)
It feels very violating when you find your picture somewhere it doesn't belong with someone else pretending to be you.
- 14 years ago
The pixelated image could also be caused by the person using a camera phone, which aren't usually very good quality cameras of course.
- 14 years ago
True, but then the profile pic wouldn't look professional in the thumbnail version.
Well, sometimes I "down size" my photos to thumbnail versions so they look crapy when you zoom in on them. The reason for that is to avoid them from being stolen. An alternative to watermarking...
- 14 years ago