Hello from US Midwest.. Chicago Suburbs. Sachin here.. 41 years.
Got introduced to the nudism few years back.. totally love it! Has helped me increase my selfesteem and confidence! Looking forward to make new friends on this channel.
Hi group, I was not blessed by nature with a large endowment (I do not complain, it is average) but since I remember I was amazed admiring those large pieces of meat, and so on until now, although with time I discovered that they could grow even more, lol
Anyway, I admire big penises and their carriers.
Hello there, I'm Dima, I started around being nudist quite late, but was interested in it since I was a child. When no one was at home, I used to be naked on the back yard playing with the dog or get tanned. In school I manage to persuade my friends to get naked with me in the high grass in the summer. It was fun, but we had our separate spaces there. The guys wanted privacy.. After some time I realised that it is much better be naked as much as possible. So I started being naked at home and my husband didn't like it at first, but some time after he accepted it and now I do what I want =) LPSG got me interested, cause I never expected that guys with the large penises need support. I thought they have all the attention in this world already and support as well =) And if there would be a Robin hood, who could take inches of length or diameter of those who have big ones to the ones who are not that big, I could use that service myself =))) I have 15 cm and 3,5 cm in diameter. Some people say it is good enough, some say it is not much. And since there is no safe way to make it bigger, I am accepting what I have. Of course I enjoy the big penises around. Feels like they have their own gravity. Very nice to have them in hand or in mouth and play. I'm only top, but enjoying them nevertheless. If there are large penis guys who need support, I am more than welcome to help them. I am a psychological counselling professional =)
Hey folks
I am Fernando from Brazil, a city near So Paulo, 90km of distance.
I started two years ago, unfortunatelly the Pandemic came and I didn't have any great experience yet, just a few at home, but I'm aiming to go to the near beaches and experiment.
I'm here to meet new friends.
Thank you all.
Hi! I'm 49 years old, I live in sao paulo, brazil. I have been a nudist for many years. My boyfriend is also a nudist. We live together and spend practically the whole day naked. We usually go to some nudist beaches here in Brazil and we also participate in some groups, sometimes we have meetings here at home with other nudist friends.
We are very calm and take life lightly too.
Great to see everyone here and hope to see a lot more. I love living here at a nude resort with my sweetheart and we met here eight years ago. I don't think she was attracted to me because of my size downstairs but it surely didn't hurt. Once we got intimate and we both learned about that side of each other, oh my my, we were both sucked in to the love big time! There are ups and downs to being larger than average, and I feel bad for men who are so big it interferes with their life. I like to think we are perfect the way we are and that no one should feel the need to change a thing about themselves, but there are limits to everything and too big can cause problems. I have friends who really hurt because their breasts are so big. The equivalent of that in too much penis, damn that would suck! I've heard of penis-reduction surgery....anyway, I look forward to some lively discussions in this group. Glad to be here!