RE:Commando guys

I am one of the men who are always going commando!I dont own boxers and socks.

Thought freeballing going commando was about underwear not socks. Did I miss something?

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RE:Commando guys

I am one of the men who are always going commando!I dont own boxers and socks.Thought freeballing going commando was about underwear not socks. Did I miss something?

True but some people try to eliminate as many clothing items as possible.

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RE:Commando guys

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RE:Commando guys

Seldom wear underwear, but will if pants require dry cleaning. Also wear underwear to lounge in if it is a chilly day.

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RE:Commando guys

I do have t-shirts and I do wear socks. But I stopped wearing underwear when I was in elementary school. I stopped buying or getting underwear when I was in early high school. Thought if I was not going to wear it, why have it.

Do you wear t shirts alone or under another shirt?

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RE:Commando guys

I would call myself full time save when the wx is too chilly for my comfort. Then it's as much as thermal underwear. In a different climate, maybe never.

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RE:Commando guys

Hey dudes! Im always commando and freeballing too. I love that freed feeling. And that men can see my cock outline.

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RE:Commando guys

Hey dudes! Im always commando and freeballing too. I love that freed feeling. And that men can see my cock outline.

Do you own any underwear?

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RE:Commando guys

Full time commando guy here. Do wear socks especially on days like today when I have to go shovel 7 inches of snow!! Rarely wear them inside the house though, floors are warm enough for me.

Do you own any underwear?

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RE:Commando guys

I always freeball. No sense in wearing more clothes than I need to. Rather just let it all hang out!

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