RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

I've always removed underarm hair since I was young just hate hair on under arms

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

I often shave the hair under my arms and have shaved my legs on occasion. The pubes go without saying

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

I shaved my armpit hair only once and it was pure misery while it grew out! My armpit hair has lightened and thinned out over the years though and is almost invisible now. But I do like seeing a full clutch on guys which looks pretty sexy and interesting when they raise their arms! :) It also has a nice masculine smell about it when clean . I simply think body hair anywhere separates the men from the boys! :)

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

I am fortunate in that I hardly have any hair under my arms to shave etc.. I know deodorants work better on bare skin than on hairy pits. My partner is European and only shaves her pits occasionally , much to the dismay of some people.... to each his/her own whatever makes you comfortable.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

Been shaving underams since I was a young man. Also upper body and nuts in the warm weather.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

Recently I was able to take an extended leave of absence and the first day I shaved my body completely smooth from the nose to toes. Enjoying the exhibitionist lifestyle and never wearing anything except my nipple rings, navel piercings and frenum piercing that I occasionally have to feel swaying between my legs. Having my underarms shaved completely smooth was one of the most incredible and erotic feel and look. Not sure what others might think when seeing my smooth legs and body completely smooth...not having any problems, issues or concerns about what others seeing or caring about being naked or not shy about what I have always wanted and being naked and enjoying the natural look and natural lifestyle. Having gone naked for over two weeks and only wearing a t shirt and khaki shorts when going to the grocery store.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

Yes. I tried it a few times and liked it. Now I shave them at least once or twice a month. I dont mind the short growth, but think I have less body odor when smooth.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

Mine are shaved have been for a long time.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

Mine seems to want to keep on growing, unlike some other areas where the hair seems to get to be a certain length and then it stays almost static. I would say my underarm hair is on a once or twice a quarter maintenance schedule, and I use my second tier electric razor's sideburn trimmer to take it off. This trimming is to a very short length, not down to the skin, so I always have a little there. If I did nothing it would be poking out from under my arms and that doesn't appeal to me.

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RE:Any men here remove their underarm hair?

I have recently gotten to the point where I keep it shaved off. I will use a razor about every couple of weeks as it does not grow fast. I'll do it more often if I am going to be around others. I also shaved everything I could reach recently and continue to do so since my hair grows in very spotty.

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