I often think about this and don't go because I have to put clothes on. I would go today if it was legal.
- 2 years ago
Would most of us be comfortable walking into a grocery store nude if 99.9 percent of the folks around us were clothed. It would definately need to be warm outside.I would go every day as long this weather is warm
Temperature of the store would also make a difference to me.
Grocery stores around me tend to be too cool to be comfortable nude.
Convenience stores, fast food places, hardware and home improvement stores, etc., would be fine.
The gym would be ideal.
- 2 years ago
It's not a matter legality, nudity is legal here in oregon. It's more a matter of socially acceptable. I just washed my truck in my front driveway, naked as the day I was born. I talk to my neighbors almost every day while nude, drive nude almost every time I go out but, I won't go out of my home area nude because it's still not as acceptable as it needs to be. I would love to be able to do everything nude but not yet at that point, maybe someday.
- 7 months ago
It's not a matter legality, nudity is legal here in oregon. It's more a matter of socially acceptable. I just washed my truck in my front driveway, naked as the day I was born. I talk to my neighbors almost every day while nude, drive nude almost every time I go out but, I won't go out of my home area nude because it's still not as acceptable as it needs to be. I would love to be able to do everything nude but not yet at that point, maybe someday.
Do you spend a lot of time nude in your front yard?
- 7 months ago
As much as I need to, all neighbors around know and are fine with it. I'm pretty much nude all over our property. Got a retired couple across the street, wife smiles and waves all the time. Property flippers on one side, a retired sheriff and his wife on the other. Forest behind us. I just go about my normal day yard work, growing vegis.
- 7 months ago
Thanks for sharing that perspective. I think being conscious of the social acceptance is an important point. I would probably behave as you do and not get dressed it I had to quick run to the car mow lawn or tend to garden if it was socially acceptable because that is just more convenient but choosing to walk around in the town square if there isnt social acceptable doesnt resonate. I prefer to be relaxed when clothes free and that would not b relaxing. Not because I am ashamed of anything as some who promote that behavior suggest but because the lack of social acceptance makes it less than safe and relaxing.It's not a matter legality, nudity is legal here in oregon. It's more a matter of socially acceptable. I just washed my truck in my front driveway, naked as the day I was born. I talk to my neighbors almost every day while nude, drive nude almost every time I go out but, I won't go out of my home area nude because it's still not as acceptable as it needs to be. I would love to be able to do everything nude but not yet at that point, maybe someday.
- 7 months ago
I'd probably go first thing in the morning or later at night when there are less people, just to be cautious and get used to it.
Once I (and society) become more adjusted though, I'd basically go out in just flip flops and shades in the summer.
Maybe a long heavy coat and boots in the winter.
- 7 months ago
Nudity being legal and nudity being appropriate are two very different things.
It amazes me ho many guys on here cant understand this principle.
- 7 months ago
The prior posts are *spot on* in my opinion about the ability to be nude wherever you might choose. Being cognizant of both socially accepted and situation appropriate situations would be key to keeping general activities nudist accessible and public concern abated; I think its the key to more nude friendly areas. Maybe well get there one day.
- 7 months ago
Remember public nudity is legal in oregon, and people are mostly tolerant, just not in the downtown areas. My neighborhood has maybe 50 houses max with the road being a big loop with a few little side roads, so I see about 20-25 cars day. Plus I'm about 125ft in elevation higher than the road so you would have to make an effort to see me if you're driving by. Side neighbors have direct sight, which is why I talked with them.
- 7 months ago