No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Hey fellow green thumb people with no clothes on!

Slurping my coffee nude and waking up, planning my day with transplanting my final tomatoes and peppers out of their cells and giving those roots somewhere to go. Still a couple weeks away from them making it to the garden at least. Here people say never before Mother's Day for the warm weather plants...we've got a rather intense weather event going down right now, warm enough for garden work but heavy rains falling (since it began around midnight the rain gauge has over an inch). Tomorrow it'll be weeding the last flower bed and mulch and then we're ready for turning a bunch of new materials into the double-dug beds and some natural fertilizer (something new for us called Dr.Earth Pure Gold) to prep for putting in all the veggies!

Anyone else got gardening plans today or this weekend? Let's hear all about it, and pictures are nice as well as words.

Get ready for nude gardening day on May 6th my fellow clothes-free folks!
Every day is nude gardening day here, thank goodness.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

I am not sure when the rain started here, but it's been raining steadily, and on and off heavily, since I woke up about 7am. I was planning on replacing the inner tube in my mower and get some grass mowing done, but not in this rain. I need to check my young plants on the back porch to make sure they aren't drowning.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Got plenty to do this weekend depending on the weather with Monday May (Communist) bank holiday looking good for naked gardening.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

We had heavy rain late Thursday but hubby had plenty of weeding to do Friday and plans on working nude in the garden today until the rains move back in. he also washed his truck while naked Friday. He hopes t stays dry enough this weekend that he can get all of our property mowed, nude of course. It should be warm enough for me to be outside naked with a drink in hand while I supervise!

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Got plenty to do this weekend depending on the weather with Monday May (Communist) bank holiday looking good for naked gardening.
I think you will find that the first of May is a pagan early summer festival that pre-dates communism by several hundred years before it was hijacked by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

The rain has arrived (early I might add) and so my nude projects for the day are on hold. I, too, had planned to do a little lawn mower work, rework my raised bed garden and general spring cleaning done but now its on a real rain delay. The worst is still enroute to the house but well enjoy the pitter patter of the rain in the meanwhile.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

We don't do any gardening but do all our side and back yard landscaping and maintenance while nude. Yesterday, we did quite a bit of trimming, repotting and planting. Because we live in Southern California and are trying to be water conscientious, we have gone almost completely succulents in pots or in the ground. We are currently contemplating removing our lawn and doing succulents and hardscape.

One of the best things about doing all the yard work naked is that we have an outdoor shower. Our routine is yard work, full shower, then sit on our patio with a cold bottle of water. We time it so that it's around noon and my wife fixes up a charcuterie board and we open a bottle of wine. Usually that's followed by a naked nap! ;D

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Hi Wild Willy, We are heading out today for our first nude gardening day of the year. Lots of privacy and lots of garden! Tilling today and planting some root bound plants.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Got 3 days of naked gardening in this weekend (bank holiday today) with some days more than others so a good feeling.

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RE:No outside gardening today - but work to be done

Hi Wild Willy, We are heading out today for our first nude gardening day of the year. Lots of privacy and lots of garden! Tilling today and planting some root bound plants.

Sounds like good times! Don't burn the sensitive parts ~

We've still got a few more nights in the forties but it is loking like time for the second round of tomatoes to make it into the garden bed. The first round have done next to nothing, though they haven't actually died either. I know that's sort of cruel to talk about to a couple in Canada - when's your last frost date, in July?

Thanks for the post Nudegadeners2! Ever take any naked pics in your greenery?

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