7 more fake profiles signed up today, all with external links to sexualised websites.
I got a message from a new member again today. Scarlety invited me to have sex with her with a link to an external website of where to find her! One snag, she lives in New York! Bless her. Did she not realise that the 3000 miles apart might be a problem?
Upon closer inspection, there were 120+ profiles set up today just from women in new york alone, All in their 20s and 30s, all scantily clad. Some using the same profile photos as other accounts set up from NY today!
ie hotthing1 https://www.truenudists.com/user/hotthing1/ and lightofmylifep https://www.truenudists.com/user/lightofmylifep/.
I suspect they are all fake scam accounts as they all have a name followed by a random letter or number. ie "scarlet y" "birdy83" etc
PLEASE can I ask that this website starts to introduce a verification process for all new profiles which will stop all these fake accounts being set up and stop them from harassing us with scam messages all the fucking time!!!
Like so many other TRUE nudists on here, I'm absolutely sick of getting 'likes' from uncertified individuals giving links to their own porn page or some other porn website. I don't see why I should make my profile private on here when all the moderators have to do is to refuse membership to every applicant who doesn't submit a personal profile with at the very least a full face pic as well as getting certified....and pay for their membership, too!