
I am 70 year old male and have concerns about nudity around the house. I go nude or mostly nude (perhaps an open robe) a lot. I am concerned about dripping urine for some time after I pee. Never much but the odd drip. Doesnt seem sanitary but I do all I can to catch them before i leave the toilet. I assume this is common especially for older people.
Another issue is that I noticed I sometimes have strings of precum even though I am not at all aroused. Others have this too?
Any suggestions?

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I've long been in the habit of washing and drying after peeing. As I've aged, I'm sure more of the last few drops go onto the towel I dry with than used to be the case, and I give things a bit of a squeeze to be sure; I just accept that and wash that towel more often. Seems to head of problems once I'm out of the bathroom.

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Interesting question and discussion. I am mindful of those 2-3 lingering drops because I don't want my (restored) foreskin to cover them. This can lead to an unpleasant odor. (The mucous membrane inside a natural foreskin prevents this problem.) So I often take a small piece of toilet paper and wipe away the drops, or I use my undershirt or shirt tail. As for a drop of urine on the floor, I don't see it as a health hazard because I've heard that urine is a relatively "clean" liquid, meaning not full of harmful micro-organisms.

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I'm not sure but I don't think it has changed. Hard to say because I wasn't nude that much in the past. Seems to happen more out doors than inside for whatever reason.
I do squeeze urethia from the base out to try and drain it as much as possible. Think i need to wipe it more often. Issue is within the first inute or so or if i bend over in a way that squeezes

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I had an interesting conversation with my doctor about something very similar to this years ago. Are you circumcised or uncut? Apparently, if you are uncut, pee drops can get caught up in the foreskin and drop much later after peeing. One way to possibly prevent this is to pull back your foreskin to pee and once finished, wipe the head with a tissue before returning foreskin to natural state. Then, and especially if you dont retract to pee, squeeze your penis firmly from the base of the shaft all the way through to the tip and when youve done that a couple of times, Shake well before giving one more tight squeeze, focussing on the tip of the foreskin where the drops can linger. This hopefully will get rid of any remaining urine, preventing an escape when you are naked

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I assume you've talked to a urologist about this. It's true that the sphincter gets weaker with age, but yours may require some pharmaceutical help.

Or you could do what I do: in situations where it's likely to be an embarrassment, I use a small rubber band behind the cap of the penis that's very light, with just enough strength to give the right amount of squeeze, but not so tight as to interfere with circulation.

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In Australia we need to see a general practitioner GP who oversees our general health. One check my GP did was a blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen). This was 2004 and my PSA read 4.5 which if over 4.0, requires a referral to a urologist. Following this, I had a prostate biopsy which found 80% of my prostate to be cancerous. The same year my prostate was removed by surgery. My urologist informed me that roughly 10% of patients he sees will have prostate cancer. The majority of the others will have an enlarged prostate. The first question to all patients is do you tend to drip after emptying your bladder. Prostate cancer and enlarged prostate can have similar early characteristics. Your priority is to get checked out now, don't delay. If the cancer gets out of your prostate and into your bowel it is then dangerous and can spread! I'm speaking from experience. I am not a health professional so check with your doctor.

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Prostate cancer is something so common that more men die with it (in remission) than from it. I agree that all men should be regularly checked for it. One affect of treatment is dripping. One piece of advice I heard is to lightly press the perineum (between testicles and anus) to push out remaining urine. I consider myself fortunate to not know this based on personal experience (not yet!).

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I don't think it's necessarily an age issue, especially with precum. I live as a full time nudist in a rural area so I generally pee outside. I pull back my foreskin, shake my dick and even jelq a few times to force any piss drops out but still a few drops get trapped in my foreskin. I also randomly have what I call "pregasms" where precum flows out of my flaccid dick, often without me realizing it. For both of these conditions, I always sit on a towel and require my guests to do the same.

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