Men in shorts shorts
Live in the moutains of North Carolina ,mostly a conservative group,we have a greenway .I being a nudist am annoyed to have to where shorts at all but when I go for a walk I where short shorts ,every thing is covered barely ,get strange looks from men but smiles from females but still feel scared of social problems,. What do youal think
- 2 years ago
As long as nothing sticks out, go for it.
Don't be concerned about what others think.
- 2 years ago
Do you wear just the shorts and no shirt when you walk?
- 2 years ago
I have always thought that wearing clothes is sexier than being nude. I also love short shorts. What about loose running shorts ? Or even womens running shorts ?
- 2 years ago
I buy women's short shorts at goodwill. I wear them all the time going out. I don't get any negative looks. I do get compliments here an there.
- 2 years ago
Once I was camping wearing a very old speedo. The guy across from me said he could see my balls. They had stretched a bit too much. Lesson learned ?
- 2 years ago
Never tried charity shops. Running shorts used to be normal in Australia, much less so now, but i like mine. Unlined and with extra care if I'm not wearing anything underneath.
- 2 years ago
Hi cut running shorts (the ones with the side splits) with the liner removed do it for me. Lots of freedom :-)
Standing is usually ok, but things can slip out when sitting ;-)
- 2 years ago
And men in tight women's hot pants.
- 2 years ago
Hi cut running shorts (the ones with the side splits) with the liner removed do it for me. Lots of freedom :-)Standing is usually ok, but things can slip out when sitting ;-)
A favorite of my shorts repertoire. Have never had a negative comment or disapproving look. One guy thought I had been running.
- 2 years ago
Standing is usually ok..
Usually. Unless the front of the leg hole tends to ride up when moving about. :-)
- 2 years ago