Non Participating Members

Hey Everyone,

This group was formed to promote naked hiking and membership is limited to those in the area that would be able to participate in said hikes. to date, 4 naked hikes have been advertised and either completed or about to be completed, yet out of over 50 members, participation in the hikes have been limited to 5 members or less. So my question to everyone is what can be done to foster increased participation?

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RE:Non Participating Members

Hey there. Not sure what we can do except encourage people to get out and enjoy freehiking. I have sent individual invitations to all my contacts for every hike planned this summer - with either no response or a brief explanation why they couldn't join in.

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RE:Non Participating Members

I don't drive. I joined on the off chance that I would be already in the appropriate location, or someone would offer to drive me from Boston.

But also, I don't think I get any announcement notifications from the groups I join on this site -- I only occasionally notice them by chance.

Also, can someone explain to me why it says "Textile" under my name?


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RE:Non Participating Members

I'd say schedule more hikes, It's hard to find convenient times for lots of people, but the more options, the merrier.

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