Hi, I am a 69 years old guy from the Netherlands and I am a naturist/nudist for more than 30 years. I do that happily together with my wife who is however not on TN. I like chatting naked now and then to keep the feeling of naturist resorts while not there. I have always thought that my penis was of an average size but while chatting Ive been told that my size is considerably above average. Furthermore I keep everything smooth, that feels good and its better than grey hair.
Hello everyone, I'm Max 33 yo straight guy from Poland, I don't have much experience with public nudism, so far one visit to the nudist glade by the ponds. I also started sauna this year. I started my adventure with nudism 3 years ago by sleeping naked, then I spent more and more time without clothes, now I am naked whenever I have the opportunity. I will definitely try a nude beach this season.
Hello everyone, I'm Jeff 44yo Gay guy from France, I enjoy nudism, at the beach, in naturist area in Vincennes park in Paris. I enjoy very much swimming naked in parisian collective pool. I also do naturism in German and Belgian spa (Sauna and hammam) l love that in winter and spring. I started to get naked in front of my people 15 years ago during a trip in a private boat in Balerares Island especially in paradisiac coves with blue water. Sunbathing naked is an incredible feeling. Diving and swimming as well. I love to feel the moves of all my intimate organs the penis and testicules. I love doing long walk naked on the beaches. All naked activities make me aroused! Nowdays each time I can Im getting naked including at home! Its my new way of life. my profile on LPSG is Kingzx
Keep in touch guyz if you want to share your nude experiences!
My telegram is @Jeffparis
Hello everyone, I'm Jeff 44yo Gay guy from France, I enjoy nudism, at the beach, in naturist area in Vincennes park in Paris. I enjoy very much swimming naked in parisian collective pool. I also do naturism in German and Belgian spa (Sauna and hammam) l love that in winter and spring. I started to get naked in front of my people 15 years ago during a trip in a private boat in Balerares Island especially in paradisiac coves with blue water. Sunbathing naked is an incredible feeling. Diving and swimming as well. I love to feel the moves of all my intimate organs the penis and testicules. I love doing long walk naked on the beaches. All naked activities make me aroused! Nowdays each time I can Im getting naked including at home! Its my new way of life. my profile on LPSG is Kingzx
Keep in touch guyz if you want to share your nude experiences!
My telegram is @Jeffparis
Hello everyone, I'm Jeff 44yo Gay guy from France, I enjoy nudism, at the beach, in naturist area in Vincennes park in Paris. I enjoy very much swimming naked in parisian collective pool. I also do naturism in German and Belgian spa (Sauna and hammam) l love that in winter and spring. I started to get naked in front of my people 15 years ago during a trip in a private boat in Balerares Island especially in paradisiac coves with blue water. Sunbathing naked is an incredible feeling. Diving and swimming as well. I love to feel the moves of all my intimate organs the penis and testicules. I love doing long walk naked on the beaches. All naked activities make me aroused! Nowdays each time I can Im getting naked including at home! Its my new way of life. my profile on LPSG is Kingzx
Keep in touch guyz if you want to share your nude experiences!
My telegram is @Jeffparis
Hi everyone, I'm kurdt1984, I'm 39 years old and I've loved being naked wherever I can since I was 18.
I started almost by accident, finding myself at a beach where everyone was naked, so I decided to take off my swimsuit. It was great, since then every time I find myself at a beach where I have to be clothed it is a pain.
I am a nudist at the beach (Italy and Croatia mostly, but I have also been nude in Cuba and Spain) and as soon as I can at home.
I also like to be seen naked; part of me is exhibitionist. Since this is a group about large penises, I own one (maybe not huge but I think big) but it has never given me any problems in public :)
Finally, if anyone wants to see me in photos, all they have to do is write to me
I'm 50+ male from Europe, spending my time in 3 different countries. since my first visit to a nudist beach almost 50 years ago, I'm a full-time nudist, not only at home but also visiting nudist resorts and with friends. Being nude gives me an ultimate sense of freedom. I'm quite well hung (13.5 cm flacid and 19.5 cm erect), but since I wear a wide cock ring I never had problems with too deep penetration anymore. In nudist resorts and on beaches I get curious and sometimes admiring glances from ladies and I am used to occasionaly being asked about the size of my erection. I take it as a starter for a hopefully nice conversation ;-)
Hi - I'm 48, from London. Always enjoyed getting my kit off, but only really recognised it as (mainly) naturism in my mid twenties. Try and get out when I can, mainly beaches and camping, and used to do the London swim when that was still a thing.
Hi everyone!Not sure if my first introduction worked, so I'm doing it again! Im Janet from Vancouver, and I have a few close friends that are very well endowed. They have told me stories about their experiences having sex, or teaching a class and everyone is looking at the bulge in their pants, and how they feel awkward or self conscious at times.
Happy to see some of the fairer sex joining in on the subject, Janet!
You say you have close friends who are 'packing a punch' downstairs - curious if they are intimate friends or they are only telling you they are larger and you haven't had their proof in view before. I have had the staring down the crotch situation happen to me like your friend who teaches - I used to give tours at a winery and would at times find a semi-inebriated gal who couldn't seem to look me in the eye as I spoke to the group. It's a good way to lose track of what you're talking about, getting that unexpected, below the waist attention from a stranger. And once I'd regain my composure I took it like a compliment. Why not!
Tell us more about your experiences if you've born personal witness to the big before, won't you? Opinions and input is appreciated.