RE:Flag a fake

Another here Staceynudist

Using a long term member tcotta from here photo

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RE:Flag a fake

Goddess Latex has been busy.

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RE:Flag a fake

100s more fake batchbots from New York again this weekend and my inbox has been targeted YET AGAIN with spam messaged. So annoying.
Teamtrue1 and 2 have still not removed the fakes that were flagged two weeks ago. If I message teamtrue2, she takes a week to reply and even then she ignores any questions that I ask and only gives a flippant reply, Very poor customer service and just gives me the impression that the site owners have lost all interest in maintaining this website.

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RE:Flag a fake

Scarlet42316 is another one.

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RE:Flag a fake

Pics are an IG model named Jolie Boero:

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RE:Flag a fake

Bikini pic is an OF model named Lexi Ray:

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RE:Flag a fake

Pic is an adult star. Anyone that can do a reverse search can figure it out... why should I bother posting links to prove it?

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RE:Flag a fake

Please go to the bottom of the Main Log-in page and click CONTACT US. Create a trouble ticket with as much info as you can and turn it in. Those go right to the top of the food chain within the site. Thanks.

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RE:Flag a fake

Please go to the bottom of the Main Log-in page and click CONTACT US. Create a trouble ticket with as much info as you can and turn it in. Those go right to the top of the food chain within the site. Thanks.

I've tried using the "contact us" you mentioned several times. It creates a ticket and states we will reply within x amount of days. No one replies. nothing is resolved.

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RE:Flag a fake

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