RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

They will certainly be freer men and more aware of their bodies! congratulations

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

I have twin five year old boys who are learning to swim. Typically they wear a floating vest which requires them to wear a swimsuit so theres no chaffing or pinching. Theyve gotten to the point of not needing the floating vest now and the other day one boy stands on the edge of the pool, pulls his trunks down, and says I wont be needing these. I got a giggle from that and let him do his thing. We all three ended up swimming naked out in the pool for a while. It was nice. Now Im thinking theyll never want to wear swim trunks again.

Do you rarely or never wear a swimsuit in the pool?

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

Do you rarely or never wear a swimsuit in the pool?

Hey minimalist - its pretty much never. Dont really see the point.

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

I think most kids are natural nudist, they just get told starting at young age that being naked and the body is bad or dirty, then they grow up with a negative self body sad. Glad your boys are just the opposite. Hope they don't grow out of that.

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

Bang on! Its our prudish and puritanical North American society thats the culprit.

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

What a great dad you are! Wish I had introduced my kids to nudism at a young age. Way to go!
Is it too late to try again to teach your kids about nudism?

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

My kids M&F enjoyed nudist activities and gatherings and never questioned it. One of my favourite memories of my son age 12 playing nude cricket with mates at a legal nude beach. As they reached puberty they became reluctant but i'm glad to say continued int young adult life and beyond. Now aged 51F and 49M.

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

My 3 year old grandson still requires arm floatees and a vest as he is getting more confidant in the pool. Now able to float without the aid of a noodle. For Christmas I bought him a lawn garden slide. After helping pump/blow up part of it, and the water hose attached, he stripped of and has a wonderful time. No hints required. He decided he just didn't need a swimsuit. Next day it happened again and Mum was not fazed! A budding nudist!

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

Thanks great .. Hope more swim time like this for you and boys . I learnt to swim with my great Uncle .Spend summers on his farm from young age poop swimming hole on his property . From first time we were nude ..he said only way to swim.. He was right ,Summer were the best times after that. Boys are lucky to share times like this with Dad

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RE:[removed]/Son Pool Time

in europe its the norm for that age to not wear anything when theyre at the beach, even at textile beaches. americans are so prudish

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