So agree with you! Been to a French nudist island once where people live there since the 60s naked. So its like a village where nudism is practised 24/7. you go to the city hall, to the grocery store, to the bank, anywhere naked if you wish to. Its 100% tolerant ! This is my kinda lifestyle.
I'd like to go anywhere I want nude. Going about my daily business wearing clothes onlywhen needed for warmth or saftey.
I know of a French nudist island where nudism is practised 24/7 by people living like this since the 60s. Its wonderful. In this 100% tolerant small village/island you can go to the bank, grocery store, hall... naked. You can drive naked and of course go hiking, beach, etc. People knock at your door and we are all naked. Its part of life. Thats my kinda lifestyle.
Bing has it all wrong and can dream all he likes- to we Kiwis, a white Christmas is a nightmare. Best wishes to all.
Just had another two inch of snow overnight now lying about 6 inch in total! Heaters on naked indoors but the view out of the windows is wonderful you dont know what your missing, Santa's coming!! Bings dream has come true!!
Round up the usual suspects! Cap D'Adge, Cambriaum, Sorboron. Wait those already are nude. I thought of the dessert isle. It would just be my dumb luck to go for a hike and come across Gilligan, Skpper, the Howells, Ginger, Professer and MaryAnn! Then I thought about it a little more. Why not my daily routine? Going to work, the stores. having my children and grandchildren over, talking to the nieghbors, going to the BarBQ pit, etc, only while nude.