RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

That's the best way to handle it. my kids caught us having sex a couple of times, and me enjoying some alone time a time or two, but instead of screaming and carrying on which only makes them think somehow they did something bad, just don't treat it as anything other than an ordinary thing moms and dads do, do you need something? no, ok, we're fine here just enjoying something, don't worry.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

As parents we never covered up being naked.We always thought the naturalist life was best . Sex positive life from when there young so there are no great mystery about male female anatomy they saw it all . I think when you make it taboo it becomes taboo .It wasn't something we made a big deal of.We let them decide what they were comfortable with . When they go off to school they learn all sorts of things not all of them are true. then puberty hits. Modesty can make them think differently..Then friends coming over changes the dynamics its the ebb and flow of life . if they are raised naturaly I believe they can make better decisions. on there life's. more grounded these are just my thoughts

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

I will say that having a nudist wife sure helped us with nudity and nudism being accepted by many. Our girls, although they remember being raised as nudists. Our friends are mostly too embarrassed to talk about it. Family is most likely aware from my FB account but don't say much. Those outside the immediate family, daughters, sons in law, grandkids, just shy away from any talk about nudism or being nude all the time. They don't get it.

My wife's involvement and her assertion that she is a nudist willingly and completely without hesitation or question, is the key. If it were just me talking about it and trying to educate others in our circle, they'd just think, "he's crazy. We know Di wouldn't do something like that." But when we've been approached or questioned, my wife typically speaks up first. "I heard a rumor that you're a nudist Andy." Di will reply, "we both are. We live that way; we vacation to places where we can be nude with others that live and vacation the same way." That usually stops many in their tracks and they stop asking questions. They would continue to try and make a joke out of it if it were just me but with Di admitting to it, they just stop.

Our oldest caught us having sex a few times. I was a firefighter and was gone on 24 hr shifts routinely. Many times through my career, I was gone 48, 72, 96 hrs straight and many times I was gone for a week or more on big fires. When I got home and the house was empty of kids, we attacked each other. There was little to do but the deed. I usually drove home naked, she met me at the door naked. The anticipation was enough to get right to it. Later, when our daughter was older and had kids of her own, she told us about those times she caught us. Her thoughts were not what we would have dreamed. We figured she'd say, "oh my god, I can't believe you guys couldn't just go into the bedroom!!" Her thoughts were actually, "damn, my parents love each other so much, they can't wait to get up to the bedroom to be together." She got it, she understood it and she embraced it after she married and began having children. Our girls aren't scared by seeing us naked, nor are our grandkids.

When my mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law were sick and dying at home, my wife and I took care of them. The siblings were around but could not handle the idea of seeing their parents' nude or the fact that they'd have to clean up after an accident. We've told our daughter's and grandkids these stories in hopes that they understand that when we are in that situation, we'd much rather have family take care of us than some stranger.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

Yes. Many times lol

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

That how to handle it, never been a prob here, always been natural to be naked. That how i was raised, So yea, sex happens and he see it. Do o mind? Nope!

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

Hello, my name is Cristhian, well I had my wife, she had a 6-year-old girl at that time and it happened to us that she was asleep in the living room and she and I took the opportunity to make love. The truth is that I haven't even had that shame of being here. Naked is something natural, it was common to watch naked movies at home since my dad raised me that way, since being alone with him because my mother left us, it was very normal to be naked in the mornings drinking coffee with occasional morning erections, so well It happens that my daughter or stepdaughter wakes up and sees us having wild sex. I didn't realize it, almost at the end, so we talked to her and explained to her. Over time, it was normal for her to see us and she continued doing her things without thinking.

Thats bait.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

Yep and when a non nudist sees this it reinforces the idea that nudist are perverts and kids should not be allowed to be around nudists. Then laws get drafted and often passed that limit social nudity because one individual promotes this behavior as part of nudism
Thats bait.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

Have you ever been caught by your kids?

Have you ever been caught? What happened & how did it turn out?

My kids dont "catch " me as I live in a studio apartment (limited space)and it is very normal and treat nudity as no embarrassment.

What do you do in a situation like that?
We all have different methods and different theories to share with our kids, but what's your story?

Dont react in a quick manner and make kids feel it is their fault or it is a crime.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

I agree that the word "caught" has such a negative connotation. Shame is a learned concept and kids are not born with it. If you behave like nudity or sex is a shameful thing, they are going to perceive it as such and believe so. Don't make it a big deal. It especially helps if the household is a nudist one to begin with.

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RE:parent talk: have you ever been caught by your kids?

We don't consider seeing each other having sex as "being caught". My daughters saw me many times, and I often saw them. No big deal. As we usually go to hidden nude beaches and saunas, where sex is common, they are used to it. Also, they have no problem if I get involved with someone at that places, and vice versa.

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