RE: Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

Yes plenty of people have commented or have asked for proof of a lack of tan lines,I am not shy about providing proof lol.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

When I was a teenager my dad rented an old farm house that had lots of privacy. You couldn't see the house from the road. My folks are very conservative and would not approve of me walking around naked all the time so I had to sneak it when they weren't home. In the summertime when dad and stepmom would leave for work, I would go out and play and do my chores in the nude. One weekend morning when everybody was home I was drying off after a shower and getting dressed, I think my dad must've noticed my lack of tan lines because he was looking at my waist area where there should've been a tan line. I didn't even have a farmers tan. Let alone a tan line around my waist implying that I was shirtless. He asked me, "You don't go outside without any pants on, do you?" I lied and said, "No." Lol He never brought it up again. Now a days I don't tan at all. I just burn and then go right back to pastey white lol. Oh well.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

I was at a commercial hot spring the other day, just swimming and soaking and had been talking to a couple. I went in to shower and it was a communal shower in the mens locker room. The guy I was talking to came in and showered too and complimented me on my all over tan. i said I have a private deck and usually go naked around the house. Then i complimented him on his allover tan, and he said his is from a tanning salon.we agreed to maybe meet later in the summer up in the mountains with our wives.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

Way back in the early 90s I spent a week at Hedonism II in Negril. When I got back from my trip I stopped by my travel agent to thank
them for their leg work in making my vacation a success. The layout was a big open room with each of the agents having a desk in a corner. As I was leaving one of them said. " great tan" Without thinking I said " and no tan lines" To this day I have no idea who else in this small community was within hearing distance.
Years later I learned from one of the agents they had a a nickname for me. Nudie Boy.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

I've been asked many times - usually by a doctor, nurse or massage therapist. I respond that I live out in the woods with no neighbors so I'm always naked outside if it warm enough.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

A couple new doctors have commented on my all over tan, although I'm a little more pale than normal. Since my wife can't sunbake anymore, I tend not to sunbake but still get some all over sun almost daily, just by walking around outside and working in the backyard.

We have a new dermatologist. She's closer than the one we've had for almost 30 years. When we went in for our 1st visit/consultation, she looked us over and seemed a little timid on doing an exam like our previous dermatologist. I then told her, "We are nudists. We used to sunbake for decades. My wife has had some pre-cancerous spots removed. I still will lay out in the sun, but she will not unless under an umbrella." To that, she replied, "then I should do a full body check. Are you okay with that?" We told her about our exams over the last 30 years with our previous doctor and she seemed relieved that she could do a proper exam without concern for our modesty. When she examined me, she did comment on my all over tan. "That's a very nice tan. Be sure to wear sunscreen!" I do but not the higher SPF stuff.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

Ive got a checkup coming in the next few days with the GP; I dont think those folks could spot an amputated finger if it wasnt on their tablet checklist. The days of the doctor having you get in the paper gown for a real examination are long gone. Anyway, the lab results came in & all my levels are good so it will probably be just a quick in & out. That is. . . once I get past the waiting room! LOL

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

Oops, I meant to add a line to the above about noticing a lack of tan lines. In a word, n o , they dont seem to look close unless its on their medical tablet or bloodwork list. They really could do better but everyone is into the checklist routine. Oh well.

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

AndyDi. We have a new dermatologist. When we went in for our 1st visit/consultation, she looked us over and seemed a little timid on doing an exam like our previous dermatologist. I then told her, "We are nudists." To that, she replied, "then I should do a full body check. Are you okay with that?" We told her about our exams over the last 30 years with our previous doctor and she seemed relieved that she could do a proper exam without concern for our modesty. When she examined me, she did comment on my all over tan. "That's a very nice tan.

You seem to have found another great dermatologist. Does she see both of you at the same time? Are you nude for the exam?

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RE:Has anyone ever commented on your lack of tan lines?

AndyDi. We have a new dermatologist. When we went in for our 1st visit/consultation, she looked us over and seemed a little timid on doing an exam like our previous dermatologist. I then told her, "We are nudists." To that, she replied, "then I should do a full body check. Are you okay with that?" We told her about our exams over the last 30 years with our previous doctor and she seemed relieved that she could do a proper exam without concern for our modesty. When she examined me, she did comment on my all over tan. "That's a very nice tan.You seem to have found another great dermatologist. Does she see both of you at the same time? Are you nude for the exam?

She did not see us together for the first visit. I went first, then Di was seen right after my exam. The Dr. told my wife what I had said and Di confirmed it. When she left Di's exam, she told Di to have the office staff make subsequent appointments for the both of us together. Di told her that our previous dermatologist did them at the same time.

Whichever one of us is second on the table, at the previous dermatologist's exams, would sit in a paper gown on a chair in the room. Di wore panties and I kept my shorts on until I was to get on the table. I stood up, slipped them off and was examined thoroughly. Di would be naked while she dressed and vice versa if she was first to be examined. Our previous dermatologist always commented on how comfortable we both were with being nude around others.

I explained that we are often nude around complete strangers at clubs, resorts or beaches. It was easy for us in those situations. Being as she was our doctor, it was easily as comfortable being nude in front of her. I don't think her med assistant taking notes felt the same way. We did mention that it seemed the med assistant was uncomfortable. Our doctor said, "if she's uncomfortable with seeing patient's nude, she's in the wrong line of work!"

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