RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?


I started wearing minimal deodorant when i absolutely need to wear it since i sweat a good amount in hot weather.
However I love the natural scent of pits , before they get too sour at least. My partner enjoys them too since he cant get enough of them.

As a misterbnb nude host , i encourage my guests to avoid deodorant and ask them to skip any perfume.

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

Oh very yes!

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

I recently just told my former massage exchange partner I used to enjoy his man scent when we got together. He was shocked for me to tell him than but I explained it was a turn on. He has developed Parkinson is no longer able to exchange.

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?


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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

More than poppers

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

Yes. I do too. The stronger the better. I quit using deodorant when I retired. Only use on occasions when I need it.

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

The stinkier the better, and not only the pits, oink.

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

I love my smell and anyone near to me. It's a real turn on

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

This discussion has descended, at times, to something close to what you would find more on TS rather than TN, but I do have to say, I agree with it. lol
When a man's arms are raised and I see the hair under there, it really does turn me on.
But then again I do like hairy men, so it is what it is.
I was with a guy not too long ago and while we shared a jacuzzi and then he even went in to take a shower in my shower, when we got on the bed, I could still pick up that recognizable BO scent coming from him. It didn't turn me off I have to admit. So I get it.

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RE:Does anyone like the smell of hairy armpits?

I just started dating a guy who is of Indian descent. When we hugged our goodbyes after dinner two nights ago, I picked up his scent as well. Just that typical BO scent. I respect his culture and that it's not one where deodorant is always a commonly used thing, but he's 26 years old and I have heard that India is starting to see a real upsurge in deodorant sales. Interesting that as a younger man, he wouldn't have necessarily picked up on that. Could be his religion though too, so I respect that. He's a beautiful young man. Extremely handsome and fit. Just not a user of deodorant I'm sensing.

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