Doing your chores naked!

Anyone seem to enjoy household chores when able to perform them nude?

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RE:Doing your chores naked!


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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Is there a better way ?no muss no fuss clean up no worries about wet or dirty clothes. For those reasons alone doing chores clothes free makes so much sense to me.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Yes most indoor chores are better done nude. Laundry is best of all. That way all of your clothes are clean when you are done.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

I have been doing all mine nude this morning. The weather is pretty nice but the humidity is somewhat rough when youre working in the yard. A little bit of housework first thing and then into the yard for patio cleaning & the like. Ill take it!!

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

I have found that pretty much any chore done nude seems less like work and more enjoyable to do. In the 35 years of housekeeping and lawn maintinance at my rural old home, you would be hard pressed to find something that has not been done while nude. Even cleaned gutters, mowed the lawn, burned the trash, laid insulation. you name it i have done it NAKED

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

I completely agree, doing chores at home nude makes the job seem much better. I try to be nude for laundry, cooking, dishes, small repairs, and some cleaning.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Is there a better way ?no muss no fuss clean up no worries about wet or dirty clothes. For those reasons alone doing chores clothes free makes so much sense to me.
Outdoor chores, too, which reminds me - now I've got a waterproof camera I must get some pictures and video of this one.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Totally agree. I live nude and everything is done nude. With two exceptions,
1. if its cold, I will go DD and wear socks. I get cold shoulders and back which causes issues!.
2. An apron if the fat is flying!

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

That has tobe the best way to do things around the house fun and relaxing

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

oh i love it.

i even have cleaned for people in the nude as a "side gig".... love being naked in front of them and providing a cleaning service for them.... so hot.

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