Dogfish Point

I know I posted this elsewhere, but I found a Washington group after I made it, so

Anyone here been to Dogfish point near Bellingham WA? Its a nice little beach, and I haven't had a bad experience there yet.

I first got naked in public there, and it was a very liberating experience. The breeze is great on your bare skin, and once it warms up I plan on going back to Dogfish. Its also very clean and well-maintained, which is a huge plus. The locals are apparently somewhat militant in keeping the beach private, but I never had issues with the people there.

Theres also a pretty good mix of genders there, Ive seen plenty of nude women there.

Dogs are a semi-common sight, but their owners tend to keep them under control and I havent been harassed by a dog yet.

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RE:Dogfish Point

Dogfish beach is awesome. Plan on going up there this summer. Spent a fair amount of time there. Very chill, great people.

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RE:Dogfish Point

Been to Dogfish once, went with 2 other nudists and it was a nice place. My biggest complaint was the wind. The wind was a deal breaker for me personally.

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