How much touching in the nude?

It was very sunny on weekend so I dropped by at a nude beach by a lake nearby to prepare my skin to the sun before the holidays. There was a group of 5 friends, 2 women and 3 men, standing and chatting. One of the women had laid in the sand and a lot of it had stuck to her backside so she asked one of the men to help wipe it off. He went with his hands, wiped her back, then asked "the buttocks too? (Laughing) Do you authorise me to "do" your bum?". She laughed and said "Sure, go ahead, do it well".

So I couldn't but ask myself how much touching is OK from other people when in the nude.

In France, we kiss when we meet, including the first time. No, that's not a French kiss, we kiss on both checks. Corona has impacted this a bit but I saw that this tradition has persisted and I saw a lot of hello kissing on that nudist beach. I also do it, obviously, but I don't find it very intimate as there is zero touching other than of the checks.

I wouldn't normally hug a male friend when in the nude - it happened a few times when it was someone whom I knew well and the meeting was a surprise. But I will most likely hug most other girls if we meet, and if she is tall enough for me not to need to bend over it will be a knees-to-shoulder hug.

There is of course more touching if we need some sunscreen on our back. So if you are part of my group I would of course let you spread it on my back. I can do the buttocks and back of my legs myself but it's not a very comfortable operation so, if D is not around to help or can't be bothered and you seem to be an experience nudist I may let you do that part too. I don't find the buttocks to be very intimate, you can see them on any textile beach. For having put sunscreen on the butts and legs of a few girls before I know that you will likely get a glimpse of more intimate parts from close quarters but well. If I let you put sunscreen on my butt it means that you've seen it a number of times before so what's the problem. On the contrary, I would normally turn over for you to put the sunscreen on my frontal half only if you are a woman. There may be exceptions, if you are gay or we have spent a few days together in the nude and got very familiar or something like that.

Dancing in the nude can be boring or can turn quite sensual. If you do the disco-style one step left and one step right I guess it's fine but I normally dance a bit more "creatively" so I will avoid it. As for dancing with a partner in the nude, I already told the story of what happened when I did it with an unknown guy, so I would avoid it. I'll do it with another girl or maybe also in exceptional circumstances like above and after a couple of cocktails, but don't bank on it. I know there are nudist clubs where they do it naturally and is part of the regular activities but to me it's a bit too intimate for comfort.

Of course, there are sometimes silly children's games with some erotic connotations when played in the nude and if you refuse to play you are seen as prude and unfriendly. A good example is that game where you hold an apple under your chin and have to transmit it to the next player - always of the opposite gender- without any of you using their hands. You need of course to go chest to chest but the thing is that many, if not most guys always drop the apple and catch it between the breasts and then need to slowly progress with their face there to try to catch it under their chin. Or even drop it further down... So yes, there is a lot of face/mouth to body contact.

I also know that they do nudist massages and massage classes in some clubs. I think I also told the story of a nude massage I once paid for on a beach. I am a big massage junkie so I would probably give you my back side to massage, butt and legs included. Hell, if I feel that you know what you are doing I will probably also turn over. Of course no touching of the most intimate part and maybe no leg and hip joint manipulation until we know each other a bit better...

I don't know about nude massage schools, those offered in nudist resorts. I would be reluctant to join one. D is certified in both Thai (but that's not undressed) and Swedish/Californian massages. But I've always thought he did these schools to have the opportunity to touch young girls (it's mostly young girls who prepare for a career in cosmetics and middle-aged men who take these courses). He told me how it goes: you learn an hour-long sequence and do it on various colleagues until you do it well. But his Thai school was dressed of course and the Swedish one was not fully nude - they were all supposed to keep small knickers on and the girls could choose whether or not they wanted to keep their bra on - most didn't. These were legit schools, recognised by the authorities, not holidays schools offered in nudist resorts, which I suspect are not sanctioned by anything more than the teacher's diploma.

So a 3-day nude massage school in a resort sounds like an excellent idea - half of the time you get free massage and the other half you learn how to give one. On the other hand, at least at the beginning, giving my body to touch to a bunch of unknown guys (I bet at nude massage schools it's at least 90% guys) who have never done any massage before sounds a bit uncomfortable for me. I would do it if say the first half was done within each couple until everybody learns how to massage and gets used to touching a body. But D already has a certificate so I would be alone there. I don't know, I guess I could be convinced if you have good arguments but right now I don't intend to join a massage school offered in nudist resorts. Or should I?

Now I did a lot of touching in three other circumstances: in the late stage of my Bottoms Up-Bottoms Down wine tasting club, with two couples we met in a nudist resort and two other couples met in a non-nudist resort which had a nudist beach not too far. Now that was different, it was a lot of teasing and wine-fuelled erotic games but I'm not speaking about that here, I'm speaking about touching other nudists in (at least nominally) non-erotic circumstances and goals. I say nominally because, and I may be wrong and infatuated and a bad nudist and all, but I still believe that the guy who say gives me a full-body nude massage may still have a tiny little erotic thought on the back of his mind by the time he finishes.

All this concerned touching of or by a guy, of course. I have zero issues with dancing with another woman, touching her or being touched. And you? When in the nude, how much touching do you think it's ok to do and receive and in what circumstances?

1. Do you hug people of the opposite gender in the nude?

2. Do/would you accept to spread or have sunscreen spread on the body to/by a person of the opposite gender? And in what conditions on the whole body?

3. Do/would you dance while nude more intimate dances like tango or simply a slow dance with a person of the opposite gender?

4. Do/would you give or accept a nude massage to/from a member of the opposite gender? In what conditions would that be a full-body massage?

5. Would you subscribe to a nude co-ed massage school?

6. And finally, be honest: would there be any, even slight, erotic thought on your mind when doing all this if the person in question was very sexy?

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

So nobody dares either to confess or to lie...

My hypothesis is that:
- most women would be reluctant to engage in nude activities like dancing a tango with or giving/receiving a nude massage to/from a guy they are not familiar with, but most guys would gladly do so;
- most women could engage in such activities while having no sexual thoughts on the back of their mind, most guys couldn't. Now I say MOST, not all, and I'm not saying that those women would NEVER think of anything sexual, just that they can sometimes do it while completely absent minded from a sexual point of view.

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Didn't see your post Flora, it's an interesting question, and, I guess, most would associate nude touching as at least a little sexual, or leading that way so probably would avoid for fear of upsetting friends.
A naked hug, still very tricky unless you're all good friends as there is a lot of skin to skin.

Even a dressed hug can be friendlier than intended, had many textile hugs (few naked ones) where the lady is clearly pressing as much chest to me as humanly possible! Am I misreading signs from these married friends? Perhaps, or maybe they are just friendly...

Perplexed at times... Richie x

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Alas my half-composed thoughtful reply was jettisoned before I had the chance to complete it and I didn't have the heart to try again yesterday. :-( Perhaps I can make better progress today...

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Two years ago, I was on a Mediterranean cruise when I signed up for a Swedish massage (standard cruise line, not a nude cruise). I was given a piece of cloth that was no bigger than a very small handkerchief if I wanted to cover up with it but how? I opted to do without. The masseuse was a woman and several times she touched my scrotum in the process of massaging my upper legs. Though it was skin to skin, I did not think it was purposeful, just part of doing her job. Nothing sexual though it did feel nice. A couple of weeks later, I was in the hospital with a stroke and had to get help both showering and going to the bathroom. None of that was sexual or arousing in the least although the nurse, a woman each time, touched every inch/centimeter of my body. I was especially embarrassed for her when she had to wipe my butt after defecating. No doubt she did that all day every day, so was probably used to it by then, but I still felt badly for her. I have also had women doctors and nurses stick their fingers up my ass searching for enlarged prostates. I suppose that in the right context, any of this (except the ass wiping) could be considered sexual and arousing, but, in my particular contexts, it was not in the least. Context matters.

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

At my age, I will hug you, dance with you, and let you lather me everywhere with sunscreen. I would also sign up for the co-ed class. In short, touching is acceptable as long as it's friendly. Please proceed!

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Okay touching !
You didnt ask about touching yourself at a nudist event. Watching someone or doing it yourself. Lots of movies have showed how erotic that can be. But then theres the line crossing into masturbating. We all have seen those guys ! But women are different stories when it comes to touching.

Women are the ones that will control how and where the touching goes. Even your question about how far explains this. Yes I have put sunscreen or even lotion on a good friend. I didnt push the limit, but it was close. I was trying to make it into more erotic touches, with her in control of how far I could go. Believe me I wanted to go farther.

The silly games have happened also. But then that was body painting. Lots of erotic charged feelings. If you have never tried ? Lifes wonderful pleasures ! Ok ok back to the discussion, Jim ! Yes there are limits because of being married or single. Unless that is what you are trying to do !

As for hugs, I think you are correct about knowing the person. Many naked hugs are given out. Most are just with the arms. But those people you have not seen for a long time. Full body hugs ! With no restrictions ! Its one of lifes pleasures being able to give and receive a full body hug. Even between friends of the same sex.

So yes there are many limitations to touching. Plus how the touching is done. Spreading sunscreen is a good example. It needs to be spread but not held in place. Plus dont forget about the coconut butter after a day in the sun. Lol its been sitting out in the sun melting, and getting ready.

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Okay touching !
You didnt ask about touching yourself at a nudist event. Watching someone or doing it yourself. Lots of movies have showed how erotic that can be. But then theres the line crossing into masturbating. We all have seen those guys ! But women are different stories when it comes to touching.

Women are the ones that will control how and where the touching goes. Even your question about how far explains this. Yes I have put sunscreen or even lotion on a good friend. I didnt push the limit, but it was close. I was trying to make it into more erotic touches, with her in control of how far I could go. Believe me I wanted to go farther.

The silly games have happened also. But then that was body painting. Lots of erotic charged feelings. If you have never tried ? Lifes wonderful pleasures ! Ok ok back to the discussion, Jim ! Yes there are limits because of being married or single. Unless that is what you are trying to do !

As for hugs, I think you are correct about knowing the person. Many naked hugs are given out. Most are just with the arms. But those people you have not seen for a long time. Full body hugs ! With no restrictions ! Its one of lifes pleasures being able to give and receive a full body hug. Even between friends of the same sex.

So yes there are many limitations to touching. Plus how the touching is done. Spreading sunscreen is a good example. It needs to be spread but not held in place. Plus dont forget about the coconut butter after a day in the sun. Lol its been sitting out in the sun melting, and getting ready.

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

This is quite an easy one for me; I come from a very much 'non-touching' family. It was just never done; generic hugs with older aunts was about it. That said, the nude touching (with the exception of my wife) at any venue is not going to happen except in a professional massage type scenario. Both my wife & I have been to the masseuse at SVR (when they had it) and really enjoyed the nude massage. That is the only exception to date. Don't know if I'm the only outlier but that's a distinct possibility.

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Like others I've had a non-touchy upbringing, and wouldn't likely be the one to initiate anything, although I can enjoy it in certain circumstances. On occasion I've encountered others who are touchy and found out about it when a hand has been placed ony arm or the like. A surprise to me but not unpleasant. Hugs from relatives are nice, but as usual I leave it to them to initiate. An older guy who gently brushed a (presumed) fly from my back at Sunnyside was also unexpected but okay. In response to our hostess' queries:

1. I've never hugged a fellow nudist, but would be happy to in the right circumstances and if I knew it was welcome (that is, they initiate). Be warned, though, that Plan A is a proper hug as if I'm hugging, I'm planning on doing it properly, nude or not!

2. As for sunscreen, I'll again be happy to help and shall gratefully accept an offer to help me reach the difficult areas but be warned I'll be diligent to not miss any areas that may see sunbeams. I'd take care not to let my hands linger any longer than necessary should the areas you wish me to cover be a little more intimate than others. If you wish me to only cover what you genuinely cannot reach yourself, that's fine too. I'm happy to help even if it's just those few less-intimate areas.

3. Dancing and me do not mixed and if you were to get me onto the floor for anything resembling dancing, nude or not, you've achived more than many.

4, 5. I've never really been into massage as a receiver or giver, and I'm not sure that could be changed. Perhaps I should apply myself more. I'd be inclined to decline an invitation to be a recipient principally because I don't think I'd adequately reciprocate. And I'd probably enjoy it too much and then have to go to the effort to learn so I could reciprocate in the future. Still sounds like too much effort, though. Could I learn to give one? Possibly.

5. Would you subscribe to a nude co-ed massage school?

6. How erotic would it be? Beauty does not escape my eye and the female form is often quite a pleasant sight whether stylishly dressed, in a swimsuit or in less; but at that level I don't see that as particularly erotic, and don't expect to imagine going beyond what I've described above whether in thought or deed as opposed to just enjoying your presence for what it is. Does that make me a minority? Perhaps, but I am comfortable with that, just as I can admire other females I encounter for what they are without imagining further.

The only caveat to that last point is that my body has long reacted, often just by being out and about wearing my swimsuit, when a small wet patch or bead of liquid appears in a prominent spot on my suit. The same may happen while being nude in public and getting a little touchy, as discussed above, would only encourage that to the point where it would be unavoidable. I don't think of that physiological reaction as being more than enjoying the moment (that is, not imagining in my mind anything that's more intimate) but must confess it is more likely to happen if my mind focuses more on the surrounding beauty or on how others may notice me as a guy enjoying being in a small swim brief surrounded by board shorts. Given the obvious purpose of the fluid, I would imagine it would be easy for others to conclude my thoughts lead to it happening, yet it has consistently manifested when my thoughts don't progress that far. Perhaps I'm just wired that way, but please don't assume it means more than I've described above!

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RE:How much touching in the nude?

Yep, definitely the sort of post that should be composed outside of the website and only pasted in when complete. :-)

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