My TN balance sheet

I took over the previous couple's account managed by my man and created the first version of ENL exactly three years ago, in May 2021.

During these three years, I uploaded well over 1,000 different pics. Some were nudist-like (snapshots on the beach), a few were portraits, a few fully dressed, only a couple open legs, and the vast majority were what I thought of as nude or half-nude elegance. The vast majority were phone snaps, nothing sophisticated, with only some colour and light twitching. A few were more "artistic" (or so I think). Also maybe around 20 pics of some of my models - the ones I had introduced in my long and boring posts and you were quite familiar with the ladies themselves before seeing them naked.

I didn't upload sexual pics. OK, the couple open ones were erotic and I launched that open leg challenge which had lots of success but also probably provoked the ire of the mods.

I also launched about 600 topics, the vast majority by unusually long introductions. Yes, I do know that most of you don't like to read anything longer than a tweet but this is who I am and, more importantly, I wanted this group to be different from the other 5,237 TN groups.

With all this work I think I should have been paid by TN, although the mods begged to differ. This group was deleted three times, although it was not, I believe, offensive.

But I do understand that all of this is becoming boring. It's almost like this forum is my blog and most of you must have seen my body more often than your wife's. I tried to show various types of pics for diversity, but in the end when the subject is the same you can't but get bored. I uploaded pics of some of the other ladies of the group, but the mods delete them all. Currently, only Jeanne and me are regularly uploading pics (or more exactly, Jeanne for both of us).

So yes, text or pics, I think I am becoming overbearing in this group and I should take some distance and time off.

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RE:My TN balance sheet

An impressive balance sheet. Nearly as impressive as your butt and boobs, but that's a little crass.

I don't have the range of collection of group members pics as you, and like you assumed the membership was bored with seeing the same photos posted, i tend to post pics when you and Jeanne are quiet. Just to keep things rolling along.

The frustration of having completely valid photos deleted by the mods is high, and I'm hearing that the same is happening in personal albums too, where ladies posting pics of themselves are also cannon fodder for the mods.

It's a sorry tale.

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RE:My TN balance sheet

In a word, it is not possible for you to become boring in this group. Though some of your posts are quite lengthy, the wording does an excellent job of setting up the total environment of situation for all to become aquatinted. And, they are enjoyed. As for a break, both myself, Richie & others have repeatedly said your posting schedule is remarkable and you should slow down. There is nothing wrong with posting your wonderful stories less often. As for stepping back, that is your choice. I would hope that some of our other elegant ladies would come forward and contribute more but that is unlikely. As for my recommendation, I would suggest one post per week if I may be that forward. That schedule would allow you time for whatever entertains your fancy and keep the rest of the ENL faithful engaged with all the lovely ladies. As noted in past posts, your efforts are appreciated by those who visit these pages.

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RE:My TN balance sheet

A brilliant stretch, and one that lasted at least two-&-a-half years longer than I expected given your prolific topic rate! It's been fun to be introduced to, asked to think about and to respond to such a wide range of posts in addition to hearing and understanding your perspectives. A refreshing alternative to the typical TN profile, even as you allowed some of us typical ones to respond. (Allowed? Required, on threat of expulsion!)

As to the lack of topics from others, I expect most gentlemen were only too pleased to let you take the lead and, anyway, no matter how official it is largely your group. Also, your topic introductions were always the best starting point, even if we never read them.

It's been a fun ride and, while I hope it continues, can understand we sometimes need or want to move on.

Just in case: Au revior!

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RE:My TN balance sheet

Flora! You are never boring! Your writing style is excellent, and I know you are multi lingual. That, I am jealous of, although at this point in my life, I dont have the energy to learn additional languages. ... I love your post topics. I often plan to respond and contribute more. Procrastination slows me down ;) Take a break if you must, but I beg you to stay with us longer. Without you and ENL, this site has limited appeal for me, although I do follow some groups. None compare. Love from Frogett aka Mary Anne.

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RE:My TN balance sheet

Good morning everyone

Yeah its been a battle for you and all the ladies. Funny how they have always edited your posts. I even wonder did they edited your writing ? We know and dont understand the photos being deleted.

Maybe enjoy your summer with D and relax with him. Try picking up the camera again. Or what about a paint brush ? You both are very talented at so many things. Something New ?

Always love this group, freedom is not easy !

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