
I may be calling time on TN and TS. The sites have lost a great deal of appeal over the last few months, with a seemingly impossible route to post nude photos to a nudist site, the effort vs reward is no longer worth it.

I'll no longer attempt to post, I'm stepping back from TN. I wish you all well in your naked adventures.


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You are doing a great job and should continue!
Thank you so much.

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I do understand your frustration & indeed the rest of the crew's with the way the moderator's have operated here on TN. It is heavy handed, obviously biased against ENL, does not follow the printed rules and appears to be at least one mod's personal vendetta against the group. But to out & out stop is tantamount to surrender. Yourself, as a Brit, knows that is not an option. Though the following is truly, & very much so, off the scale as a comparator, it does capture the essence of the idea. As Churchill declared, "...we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." You (Richie) cannot fight the fight alone but can provide the impetus for, hopefully, the TN legions or at least the members of this group. I would ask that you follow the same regimen I recommended for Flora, add one post to the group per week. The same needs to be said for the rest of our membership, add one post to the group per week. With a sustained & regular response, the self styled 'ork modling' can be sent to the depths. And, with just a minimum of effort on our part, it can be accomplished. What does everyone think?

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I think one posted photo per week is a great idea, given that many really nice ones are deleted quickly, with some exceptions. Please Richie stay with us if you possibly can. But I do understand. I have not posted many pics in ENL lately. But I can post a new one weekly. Frogett aka Mary Anne

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I understand totally

Things have changed and not for the better. I always hate allowing them to win. But I guess it happens, we can only fight for so long. When somebody has the control to do what they want.

Thank you for your hard work anyway. Enjoy your summer.

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A parting gift in the album for my great friends on the ENL group, you're the best, and you know it!!

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I may be calling time on TN and TS. The sites have lost a great deal of appeal over the last few months, with a seemingly impossible route to post nude photos to a nudist site, the effort vs reward is no longer worth it.I'll no longer attempt to post, I'm stepping back from TN. I wish you all well in your naked adventures.Rx

Farewell. It's been a time.

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Richie, let's face it. After three years of posting daily nice pics and long topics, animating and curating the site, excluding those who don't participate, the members who do participate with at least some relative regularity (meaning adding cogent, be that pics, contributions to discussions or at least comments on pics) would not fit in a small town car but would comfortably fit in an SUV.

And I don't see how posting one topic and one pic per week would change this.

And let's face it, our mod deserves his victory. His daily dogged obstination to delete pics of a minor group among the 5,237 other deserves our amazement. At least we had some fun around here, made fun of him, sometimes insulted him... But would you like to be in his shoes? For over a year, day in, day out, twice a day more recently, to delete all these pics from the shadow, without ever saying a word... I think he is the kind who checks 20 times that his door is locked before leaving his house (if he ever leaves it). So let's congratulate him. You da man, mod!

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I must agree with your assessment of the situation Flora; the mod most probably doesn't know the rules or just applies them as he sees fit. And then an almost obsessive (OCD anyone?) effort to purge this group's work. I don't know that he reads for content or if his comprehension level is past the 5th or 6th grade (US); he just blunders / shuffles forward. There are a lot more comparators that are appropriate but there's not much point. With luck, he will bore & depart but we'll have to wait & see on this one. In the meantime, the balance of us will continue forward as able. The pace will certainly not be as fast nor interesting but possibly pick up a nugget or two of wisdom along the way.

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Oh thank you for posting our wonderful members pictures.

You know that we will miss everyone who always, always left us with a smile. Even in the conversations !

Thank you again

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Richie, and Flora, you have done a sterling job in trying to keep this group the most lively and entertaining thing on TN. I haven't been around much recently, travelling and otherwise busy, but I quite understand your position, Richie. I find it difficult to get any photos past the mods myself, and all are perfectly OK from any reasonable perspective (so to speak).
I value quite a few friendships/contacts I have made here, but I really only ever come on TN these days to check out ENL...
Thanks again for everything.

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