[quote/] I'm sorry that your boy is in the situation where he is in bad shape and also not able to make his own living arrangement choices. He's lucky to have a dad who is still around and able to help him out, so it seems appropriate that he wouldn't complain much or at all about your choice to be natural around your own home. Some kids would still complain - I think that tells us you raised him up right, to be respectful of his elders.
The point of how it may have been different if you'd had a female instead of a male child doesn't seem to me to be overly pertinent here, especially if you had raised them from birth as a nudist - something not too likely depending on the family dynamic. With a man your age that is very unlikely, being from the forties when nudism was essentially non-existent (though maybe more tolerated in the UK than my country), and that's too bad because of how naturally children want to be nude with the good weather (another thing the UK doesn't have in abundance, so I hear). Girl or guy, being raised nude would make this new chapter in your lives so much easier. If your baby had instead been a girl, the hang up with being around her nude at the stage in her later life is really your personal issue, not hers, as long as you can still discuss touchy subjects. Clothes are an unnatural addition, and there are many more important subjects to be dealt with concerning your child right now than them.
It might do you both a lot of good to quit having these momentary bare interactions, Colin. He's uncomfortable seeing you; his averting eyes say so much. So rather than making him any more uncomfortable, something better for him - and he's dealing with so much right now - would be to sit down and have a frank discussion with him, ask him if he feels like your nudism is confronting his sensibilities enough that his stress levels are actually worsening his condition.
I have no blood-related children, so I cannot speak from personal knowledge, but I feel as though his comfort in these waning moments of life are more important than what comfort you get from being bare at home. With the lifting of the veil from the topic of clothing choice around the home, it could be you have a chance to bond with him in a new way, something that may help him stick around a little longer, or at the very least, deepen the love that may be allowed to grow between you at this late a stage to become the most wonderful gift you can give him now. With the clearing of the air surrounding your choice of dress could come a new connection, maybe even a chance to invite him to disrobe. It is never too early or too late to become a nudist.
Take care of yourself and thank you for being the best dad you can be.
I totally agree with the author of that. Personally, I spoke with all of my neighbours, and told them that I am a nudist and that they might see something. I also emailed all my living kids and told them, asking them to knock first before coming in or they may see something.
I had a similar problem. Having been a naturist most of my life, cert ainly for more than 60 years, I have a rather prudish adult stepson who, obvious from his face, dissaproved of my naked sunbathing body in the garden or around the house. My wife also does not partake in naturism but accepts that I am naked in the garden and sometimes around the house. However, I just carried on being naked in the garden even if my stepson did dissapprove. Eventually he just ignored it and even comes up to me in the garden with an ice cream or coffee (summertime of course). He even talks to me while I am naked and acts as if I am clothed. So I lead my naked life and they lead their textile life as if we are all the same. Works out OK in the end so my suggestion to anyone in this situation is just carry on regardless. The only time it affects me is that when on holiday I have to visit naturist beaches without them.