
I was in the showers at the gym the other day, and there were two other guys showering at the same time. One big, the other small. Normally, I'm about average. But my adderall prescription makes me shrink, like on this day.

After we were all out, me and the other smaller guy were joking about the size difference between us and the other guy. We talked a little about it, and we agreed that men with smaller penises who are unashamed about it are some of the most confident guys out there. It's a purer version of confidence too. It's easy to strip down if your penis just so happens to adhere to social norms of desirability. I used to get self-conscious about it, but now I don't care. I feel more secure in my self-image now because of it.

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I think a dick is no different than anything else. You can always find someone who has more than you, ie. house, money, intelligence, dick, and you can always find someone with less. None of that matters. You can't take the tangible stuff with you. You can't change the size of your cock. Your intelligence dies when you do. So, regardless of where you excel and where you lack, be a good person. That's all that matters anyway.

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I think a dick is no different than anything else. You can always find someone who has more than you, ie. house, money, intelligence, dick, and you can always find someone with less. None of that matters. You can't take the tangible stuff with you. You can't change the size of your cock. Your intelligence dies when you do. So, regardless of where you excel and where you lack, be a good person. That's all that matters anyway.

Nekkid, you are wise beyond your years! The world is a better place with you in it! Wish we lived close to one another Id love to give you a big naked hug and hang out with a guy like you.

Thank you for being a part of this group and for contributing to this forum!

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Something that really helped me to care less about this was living with 2 other guys who had much larger penises than me. In one case significantly so, he was in the top few percent for sure. We were all keen swimmers and would often go to the pool together and shower after. There was sometimes light-hearted banter aimed at either me or the hung guy (whose nickname was horse for that reason) in relation to our relative sizes, which helped me accept that we are all unique in our own way and that our differences really are unimportant. I was getting more comfortable with myself and enjoying being naked more at this time. It wasn't unusual for one or more of us to be just in our pants around the house and sometimes even naked if just walking to the bathroom etc. Seeing each other undressed regularly made nudity seem like so much less of an issue and created a closer more trusting friendship for sure.

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It wasn't unusual for one or more of us to be just in our pants around the house and sometimes even naked if just walking to the bathroom etc. Seeing each other undressed regularly made nudity seem like so much less of an issue and created a closer more trusting friendship for sure.

This sounds like such an amazing dynamic you had with your roommates. I wish more people were as laid back and accepting like this! Less hang ups, more acceptance and just humans being humans together!

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It was pretty chilled out, I'd know one of the guys well at uni and we had played team sport together a bit so were used to seeing each other in little or no clothes. The horse hung guy I didn't know so well and hadn't seen naked before we moved in. He was probably the shyest of the 3 of us, I think he was pretty self conscious of his size and the nickname etc deep down. Which is odd to think that a hung guy would be that way but I guess that's the thing people don't realise is that all guys can have hang ups. I'd like to think that living, swimming and hanging out with us helped him accept himself as much as it helped me.

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It wasn't unusual for one or more of us to be just in our pants around the house and sometimes even naked if just walking to the bathroom etc.

we were often naked in the dorms in college. there were a few big penises and that was never an issue, although it was obvious. a few were uncircumcised and i had only seen one foreskin before, (this was in the US) so that was more striking to me.

we had mandatory showers after gym class, so i was accustomed to being naked with guys i knew, but being naked together for extended periods felt a little different. i was never self-conscious about my small penis.

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It wasn't unusual for one or more of us to be just in our pants around the house and sometimes even naked if just walking to the bathroom etc.

we were often naked in the dorms in college. there were a few big penises and that was never an issue, although it was obvious. a few were uncircumcised and i had only seen one foreskin before, (this was in the US) so that was more striking to me.

we had mandatory showers after gym class, so i was accustomed to being naked with guys i knew, but being naked together for extended periods felt a little different. i was never self-conscious about my small penis.

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Had similar experience at the gym showers but I just hold my breath and thought to myself only here to get clean like everyone else and get out. Also same thing at my first trip at resort, calm myself down and had enjoyed my time. After those experiences guess got my confidence and don't think bout my size.

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Had similar experience at the gym showers but I just hold my breath and thought to myself only here to get clean like everyone else and get out. Also same thing at my first trip at resort, calm myself down and had enjoyed my time. After those experiences guess got my confidence and don't think bout my size.

Good for you and the best way to be! After all its not a big deal at all and beside nothing we can change. Be nude! Be happy! Dont worry about what others may or may not be thinking because odds are they arent thinking about you at all! Love hearing about confident men like yourself!!!

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That's great guanaco, glad you've got more confidence because of that. Positive experiences of shared communal showers at university in dorms and on sports teams really helped me not only accept myself but also to realise I enjoyed being naked with others and that it could feel pretty normal.

I also shared a room in halls in my first year of uni which meant pretty much no privacy. We were a bit reserved around each other when it came to changing etc but over time became pretty cool about it. There were a few other shared rooms on the corridor (guys and girls) and others I spoke to said the same that by the end of the year they'd seen each others bits often enough not to notice anymore. What helped was that my room mate was also small down below so whilst we never openly spoke about it I think we both have each other a bit of confidence!

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