new fence

been working the past few days replacing my gated fence that leads from the front yard to the rear yard and amazing how hot and humid for march. unfortunately the gate faces the road so not clothing optional but light t shirt and gym shorts and tennis shoes . now some might say ditch the shirt but i'm a sloppy painter . still waiting for my backyard trees to fill in and no i can't be nude everywhere out back every summer gets better back there and hopefully 60% is nude .

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RE:new fence

My excuse as a sloppy painter is that it's easier to clean my skin than my clothes!

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RE:new fence

My excuse as a sloppy painter is that it's easier to clean my skin than my clothes!

Same for me.

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RE:new fence

not for me two showers later and still white specks

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RE:new fence

I know the feeling; I am still working on my fence, too. It stretches down one side of my yard about 100 feet so far, but need to go to another 100 feet to be safer. Its been a long project as I had other things to accomplish at the same time. Though not particularly difficult, it is time consuming all the while the price of lumber keeps increasing. Without any unforeseen issues, it should be done this summer. That will be one project off the list. YES!!!

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RE:new fence

I am about to have to do the same thing. Unfortunately my neighbors are not nudist. Would be cool to replace my fence totally nude but I agree sometimes I need to wear even a shirt depending on what Im doing just for some protection.


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RE:new fence

We are fortunate in having dense hedging around our garden ranging in height from 2m -4m, takes a lot of effort to keep it neat, put does provide an effective barrier

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RE:new fence

Having an effective hedge is great to keep it private. I had one on the west side of my property but the neighbor decided to bush hog about 3 acres and cut the hedge / underbrush down to nothing a few years ago. Thankfully, there was enough left near the fence on both his / my sides to keep it mostly private. For a couple of years, I've had to be a little careful over there but this spring everything is now budding out and it's better than before! It looks like a jungle over there in a few spots. Sometimes dumb luck is better than the best planning. Now if I can just get the other side done.

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RE:new fence

Hi John, Isn't nature wonderful? Pruning plus patience makes privacy (if you're able to wait a season). Does your neighbor know you're a nudist? I mean, was he wanting to improve his view? Lol. Derek

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RE:new fence

I don't know if he knows I'm a nudist but he has seen me in a state of undress but probably couldn't quite tell. He came up to the fence in the woods & was talking to me as I stood behind the white picket pool fence. He never said anything & I found and loaned him a tool a little later in the day. As for the mowing, he had the far side of his property fenced and I think the mowing was all part of the deal. We're good and I still meander about 1/2 of the yard nude. I'm working on making more of it nude friendly but it takes time & effort. I'll get there.

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RE:new fence

It was recently time to replace my fence, which was rotting (fortunately just the boards - the posts are pressure treated and still in fine shape). The old one was just vertical boards placed next to each other and had gaps - I'd put up some weed block fabric covered with reed fencing to cover it with something that looked better, and it was all falling down. For the new fence, I got a dado blade and milled the edges of the boards so they overlap - no more gaps for complete privacy.

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