
Had similar experience at the gym showers but I just hold my breath and thought to myself only here to get clean like everyone else and get out. Also same thing at my first trip at resort, calm myself down and had enjoyed my time. After those experiences guess got my confidence and don't think bout my size.Good for you and the best way to be! After all its not a big deal at all and beside nothing we can change. Be nude! Be happy! Dont worry about what others may or may not be thinking because odds are they arent thinking about you at all! Love hearing about confident men like yourself!!!

That's true most aren't thinking bout you at all. And when they do they interact with you, so nothing to worry bout. Took long time to get my confidence.

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That's great guanaco, glad you've got more confidence because of that. Positive experiences of shared communal showers at university in dorms and on sports teams really helped me not only accept myself but also to realise I enjoyed being naked with others and that it could feel pretty normal.I also shared a room in halls in my first year of uni which meant pretty much no privacy. We were a bit reserved around each other when it came to changing etc but over time became pretty cool about it. There were a few other shared rooms on the corridor (guys and girls) and others I spoke to said the same that by the end of the year they'd seen each others bits often enough not to notice anymore. What helped was that my room mate was also small down below so whilst we never openly spoke about it I think we both have each other a bit of confidence!

Irony had one roommate too who was small as well but since we were friends from high school felt normal being nude in our apartment except when we company over. Not sure if that helped me build my confidence but glad it did for you. Now you're the confidence one.

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I remember in HS noticing a man with a penis the same size as mine who obviously could care less about being seen naked in our pool locker room and and showers and I was amazed that he had such confidence. In my head I was worried if anyone saw how small I was they would make fun of me or tell others. He could give a shit it seemed. I admired his confidence and wanted to embody it! It took me many many years to get to that point in my life!

I also met a man in my 20s up at a gay campground that had a clothing optional rocky beach by the river. Id say 99.9% of the guys who chose to drop their shorts and lay out and frolic nude were all hung. The old adage everyone seems to be hung but really the small guys are just too shy to be seen naked so most us small guys think were a small minority! When in actuality there are a lot more of us than most think. I work in healthcare and see a lot of bodies and believe me we really do come in all shapes and sizes. But getting back on track, I noticed an adorable man with a very small penis much like mine with basically only his head visible and average sized scrotum . He was walking around socializing and meeting people, even saw him back up at the campground still naked and the only one. His confidence was so admirable and being a bystander I wasnt hearing guys cracking jokes about the small dicked guy like I imagined guys would say about me if I were to be seen naked. He was even getting hit on by a bunch of guys!

The next day I went down to the river early in the morning and one of the side streams had a deep pool . I got in and decided to swim naked. The beach was empty and it was only me. It was so freeing to be naked and swimming but also nerve wracking fretting about what if someone comes down? And they did, a couple came down and obviously were a bit disappointed they didnt have the beach or pool to themselves but they stripped down and climbed in. One of my camp mates ended up coming down and saw me and jumped in clothed and then noticed I was naked asking me why are you naked? I told him he should try it. it feels amazing but he didnt. More and more people started coming down to the beach and I was stuck with the dilemma of how to get out and back in my shorts. I eventually just got out and wasnt even noticed. Later that day I noticed the naked guy with the small dick laying out on the beach alone and I mustered up the confidence to walk up to him and ask if I could join him which he very kindly invited me to join him. We started chatting and eventually I confessed that I had noticed him running around and admiring him from afar. He thought I was hitting on him and confessed he had a boyfriend . I laughed at the miscommunication and just blurted out that I admired him because of his confidence level and for doing something that I had not been able to do until the morning in public. I shared with him that I was a nudist but so ashamed of my dick size that I couldnt bring myself to do it. He got a big grin on his face and told me to strip down and get naked. Screw what others think. If you want to be naked, BE NAKED! The fear goes away and the more you do it the easier it is. I did and he joked that we could be brothers anatomically which lightened the mood. We played back in the sun in our blankets just talking for a few hours and he shared that he loves being the unhung confident guy and a bit of a role model to help encourage other guys to get naked no matter what their size or shape. I admired him even more and decided I wanted to be that person for others too! We hung out the rest of the weekend having a great time. He stayed naked and I became a textile back in steps but it was a great experience!

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