I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

I've read a number of posts in this particular group regarding how people enjoy being looked at; essentially exhibitionism.

I'll admit to be an exhibitionist, and I get a real thrill out of being seen naked, but wouldn't a true nudist say that in doing so we, that is people who enjoy being naked because we are exhibitionist, are displaying a sexual motivation because for them they are participation in a lifestyle rather than a sexually motivated activity?

I will admit that my nudist activities are partly because I just love being naked outdoors, with the freedom and feel of nature on my body, but also partly because being naked outdoors, either alone or with people around me (and by the way that would only be in certain situations such as at a nudist beach) is quite erotic. It is also why I am totally smooth (I had permanent hair removal many years ago) and have a number of piercings; they are things that draw attention to my body. I am also athletic which means, and I believe it does, I attract plenty of attention to myself when nude.

Are there any folks who have similar motives because, if so, please do feel free to share with the rest of us?

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Oh its so true
Many times I have hoped to be caught being naked. Yes I was excited to be nude in a place where no one else was. Many times hiking, I just set up on a great spot naked and waiting for someone to hike up to me. Or at a nudist event wearing my rings. Someone always asked about them.
Getting to the point where I need to again. Soon !

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Oh its so true
Many times I have hoped to be caught being naked. Yes I was excited to be nude in a place where no one else was. Many times hiking, I just set up on a great spot naked and waiting for someone to hike up to me. Or at a nudist event wearing my rings. Someone always asked about them.
Getting to the point where I need to again. Soon !

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

As in most things, I think we are all a spectrum in this area. I primarily like to be nude for the 'being' as opposed to the seeing, so if I'm on my own, that's fine. But I don't mind seeing, or being seen, whether the others are nude or not. My only caution is to not offend others who may not wish to see me and it can be hard to judge that before it's too late! But in practice that means I'll be cautious in non-official areas and confident when in a designated area or I have other confidence in others' acceptance, usually because they've entered a clothing-optional area even if clothed or if they've also dared to bare in an unofficial area. If it's not an official area and I'm not confident it would be acceptable, then I'm restricted to quiet areas or just laying out with some shielding like rocks, grass or structures. It mostly works. :-)

When being seen by a dressed person, I do experience a little thrill, so perhaps I am a little exhibitionist.

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

When being seen by a dressed person, I do experience a little thrill, so perhaps I am a little exhibitionist.
You have stated the most obvious: Even though most don't go out of their way to be seen, it's hard not to get used to the adrenaline rushing through when being surprised!

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Even the simple thing of in the changing room. Leaving the curtain open just a little. Letting the salesperson see you !
I have asked couple times about how I look. Or even after just left the curtain open and standing there naked waiting for a new shorts to try.

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Even the simple thing of in the changing room. Leaving the curtain open just a little. Letting the salesperson see you !I have asked couple times about how I look. Or even after just left the curtain open and standing there naked waiting for a new shorts to try.

So you are allowed to try shorts and pants without underwear?

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Even the simple thing of in the changing room. Leaving the curtain open just a little. Letting the salesperson see you !I have asked couple times about how I look. Or even after just left the curtain open and standing there naked waiting for a new shorts to try.

So you are allowed to try shorts and pants without underwear?

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

Interesting discussion and comments above. Being nudists I suppose there is an element of exhibitionist in us, but if we are at a nude beach, to me that means we expect to be seen. To me it means we are comfortable in our own skin, we don't care about being been naked by other nudists or by textiles walking on the CO beach. Maybe we are exhibitionists to an extent and they are voyeurs, but to me those names can have a negative connotation.

I think most of us are pretty comfortable in our skin, don't care if we are seen naked and may enjoy the attention. To me an exhibitionist is more the person who walks naked down a busy street, not for WNBR day or or a cause, but purely because they want that attention. Maybe the streaker types at a sporting event. Some guys I know have done this as a dare, usually with beer on board and they think they look pretty good. That to me is more the exhibitionist but then maybe we all have a little bit of that.

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

This is a really complex issue and the span of personality types is not exclusive to the non-nudist community. What that means is that within our nude community we get people who are exhibitionists.

But here's my caveat; an exhibitionist also likes to wear clothing that stands out, they like to be (literally) seen/noticed out and about whether nude or not, they'll also do other behaviours to be out on show. So if you're nude simply to stand out and show people that you are nude, rather than being somebody who embraces nudism also in other ways and places then perhaps you're actually motivated by something other than nudism.

I am not ever nude with the 'hope' of others seeing me nude. I don't get nude with the expectation of having somebody see me. However, I do go to places nude where I 'anticipate' (not expect) being seen nude, and I am open to the serendipity of social interaction whether either of us are nude or not.

To broaden this view point some more; I plan to model nude for life art - not to show off, but to provide something back to the art that I love so much but also because the people in the class appreciate the human form and appreciate that you have shared your body with them. Would I expect to be nude any place else with them again - no, but if we crossed paths I am happy to discuss having been their model!

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RE:I'm an exhibitionist but doesn't that contradict nudism?

I'll admit to be an exhibitionist, and I get a real thrill out of being seen naked, but wouldn't a true nudist say that in doing so we, that is people who enjoy being naked because we are exhibitionist, are displaying a sexual motivation because for them they are participation in a lifestyle rather than a sexually motivated activity?

Labels are great for cans of vegetables, but why all the isms around being naked? Isn't it enough to say you like it and are happy if others notice your enjoyment? Why should removing clothes strip you of your sexaul energy? Are you behaving appropropriately for the situation with your clothes on? Does that change much with your clothes off?

No need to ismize yourself. Breathe. Feel the sun. Enjoy. Be.

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