Appalachian Trail Day Hikes

Five hikes on the AT are planned for June 17-21 near Lexington, Virginia. Four of the hikes will be 11 miles in length and the other hike will be 16.5 miles in length

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RE:Appalachian Trail Day Hikes

Hi D Naturist, Ed B. here. Rusty and I arrive in Lexington the evening of the 21st for Bike Virginia, the annual five-day ride that starts that day in Buena Vista and finishes the following Wednesday, the 26th, in Lewisburg, West Virginia. We'll be in Lexington for two nights. If you're still in town, care to join us for supper? Cheers, Ed

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RE:Appalachian Trail Day Hikes

Hi D Naturist, Ed B. here. Rusty and I arrive in Lexington the evening of the 21st for Bike Virginia, the annual five-day ride that starts that day in Buena Vista and finishes the following Wednesday, the 26th, in Lewisburg, West Virginia. We'll be in Lexington for two nights. If you're still in town, care to join us for supper? Cheers, Ed

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