I have skinny dipped in a big popular lake in the daytime

I have taken more of a plunge of skinny dipping. First, I dipped nude on a public beach late at night.

Now I had decided to skinny dip at a house I had stayed at for the weekend at Smith Mountain Lake. The lake is popular but the area I stayed at, it was more of an inland of the lake, or what I would call a smaller area of the lake with fancy homes and lake houses on both sides. They all have boat docks. So, there were A LOT OF BOAT DOCKS. Plenty of people could have seen me naked. A few did but didn't care enough to raise any hell over it. I think many of these people probably also skinny dipped and if I had seen any of them do that, I would have joined them.

I walked down to the boat dock from a lot of steps downward, I took my clothes off at the boat dock, and swam in the water naked in the daytime. I felt so happy. At first, I put on a real skimpy speedo and then I just decided, why not just take off my skimpy suit and get naked.

For two nights straight I skinny dipped down in the same lake. I swam in the nude for the first time in a lake. I did skinny dip at the beach but the beach, the waves hit me and the water was all over me, but I didn't want to go out too far just to swim and be at risk of being swept out to sea at night just to skinny dip. I would probably die if I got swept out to sea in the dark of night with nobody knowing I was out there. So, I did dip in the water but not being able to actually swim around when not having any clothes on. I got to swim and yeah, some people may have saw me in the daytime as I heard laughing and stuff. One guy was walking around in view of my nude swimming, but he pretty much just ignored me and did his own thing. He probably wouldn't care if I swam a few miles in the buff. I just carried on skinny dipping. At least some people appear to have enjoyed seeing me skinny dip. Others just treat it as any other day. So I had a great experience.

I am so addicted to swimming in the nude. I want to do MORE OF IT. I like not having a wet stuffy swimsuit on with dripping water.

To just swim naked, it felt right to me. My body was okay and nothing happened to my certain part which was out in the open. I am okay with swimming naked, I want to swim naked. There are risks to swimming naked such as a fish hook or something getting my certain part of my body, but I was okay and safe.

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  • 10 months ago
RE:I have skinny dipped in a big popular lake in the daytime

Here is more photos.

Im having some weird errors so that is why the same photos uploaded twice. It said some weird error, and I thought it failed. Please correct it. Thanks.

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  • 10 months ago
RE:I have skinny dipped in a big popular lake in the daytime

Im having trouble uploading all of them here. I did put them on my DeviantArt account since they allow nudist photos.

Yeah I love taking photos proving that I was naked in places I shouldn't be :-P

I am real daring. A good amount of people have seen me naked outdoors. I am definitely a daring person.

I posted enough on this forum post to prove I was naked out there at the lake :)

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  • 10 months ago