Sleeping Nude!! Nothing Like It!!

I was shy about taking my shirt & shoes off when I was young. But out of the blood I started sleeping nude in my 30s....and it felt solo great & sexy. I want my next wife & I to sleep nude every single night!

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RE: Sleeping Nude!! Nothing Like It!!

I was shy about taking my shirt & shoes off when I was young. But out of the blood I started sleeping nude in my 30s....and it felt solo great & sexy. I want my next wife & I to sleep nude every single night!I wanted for 49 years but she wouldn't but I did

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RE: Sleeping Nude!! Nothing Like It!!

when I was 19 went with a friend to stay in his friends condo, got up next morning and he was naked in the kitchen, said he sleeps naked and sometimes stays that way. well I started sleeping naked too and loved it.we also found out the pool was C/O after midnite and started going nude there as well. 50 years later I still sleep nude and never put any clothes on until I have to.

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